Chapter 4

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Mentioned Concentration Camps (similar to WW2), potentially non-accurate medical knowledge/information (tried to research things but might have been inaccurate regardless), and details about a potentially graphic injury.


It was three days after the reveal of Yoichi's decision to get a heart transplant when Leader finally decided that Izuku was well enough to start helping the resistance group, at first Izuku was excited but then he realized his jobs were less about patrolling and more about cleaning, organizing, and fixing things. He knew logically these things were just as important as any other job, not to mention Leader didn't seem like someone who shoved others into the middle of a war with no experience.

The problem was, Izuku did have experience, he couldn't tell them that or risk revealing he was from the future, but he honestly had more battle experience than the man thought he did. It left him feeling anxious like there was a constant itch to do something, to fight for people, it was driving up the wall.

Now it was a week after he was put to work and he was cleaning guns, a job that was often given to newcomers to get them used to pulling apart and putting together weapons. It was a necessary skill to have in this day and age, but Izuku had managed to do it smoothly in only a couple of hours, mainly due to his ability to analyze and remember things that others couldn't.

He placed another gun in its spot, turning to grab the next when Commander walked in, for a moment he paused before continuing. Taking apart the gun and cleaning it before putting it together once more, was a repetitive process, but Izuku wouldn't complain out loud. The two soldiers had given him food, a roof over his head, and even let him have a relationship with his uncle. Not complaining about a job was the least Izuku could do for the two soldiers, despite him

"You're unhappy, it's clear as day to see," Commander commented softly." You hate doing this kind of work, but you refuse to complain, why?"

Izuku froze at the question, unsure of how to respond without seeming selfish.

"I just feel I would be better-used patrolling or on missions, I don't do well when completing repetitive tasks." Izuku confessed as he grabbed another gun." I understand you don't want me out on the field, whether due to being a kid or just inexperience, but honestly, I am bored as hell from doing this. Could you at least find something that makes me need to use my brain more, I like analyzing things, couldn't I do that instead?"

"Hmm, I'll talk to Leader about it," Commander offered and Izuku sighed, it was the least the man could do." Now, I've actually come in for a piece of good news, Leader was able to contact someone who's willing to give Yoichi a heart transplant under the radar. It won't make its way onto any public records, the surgery is booked for the end of the month. It's going to take a while to find a suitable organ donor, despite Yoichi being a universal receiver, however, if everything goes well then the surgery can take place and afterward there will be a three-to-six month recovery process."

Despite his concerns regarding the surgery, Izuku was actually somewhat excited to have his uncle in good enough shape to actually be able to have a life. He could see Yoichi often was upset when he couldn't do things with Leader or Commander, the man's green eyes dimming slightly, it hurt cause he often imagined that he himself had those dim eyes more often than not. He didn't like it, cause it shouldn't be on someone else's face, Yoichi should be happy, he had gotten away from his brother after all.

"That's...great," Izuku said with a weak smile, hoping he wasn't conveying how nervous he actually was.

"You don't have to lie, kid, I can see how anxious and worried you are about Yoichi," Commander said with a small frown, but Izuku just gave the man one of his grins as his mask fell into place perfectly.

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