Chapter 9

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Turns out he wouldn't be returning to active duty anytime soon, it became apparent that he wasn't as ok as the doctor that looked him over thought. He had constant tremors caused by the electrocution, not to mention Lichtenberg scars, he'd have those for the rest of his life. He still couldn't believe his own biological father would permanently scar him, just so they could use the same treatment on Yoichi.

Had the future version of All For One truly loved his mom or him, was it all just a lie, perhaps he thought that he could use them as a disguise to prevent All Might from finding him. He didn't know which would be worse, the chance his biological father actually loved him in the future, or if he just used him.

Izuku clenched his fists, cursing the small tremor as he gripped the sheets of the hospital bed, tears welling up in his eyes. The doctors weren't letting him out of their sight anytime soon, mainly cause they weren't sure what All For One had been constantly injecting him with, not to mention the fact that suddenly being taken off whatever was injected might also have adverse effects.

They had found out one of the drugs, a drug that was known to confuse people and sometimes even cause memory loss, not that he could be bothered to learn the drug's actual name.

As for the drug used to suppress One For All, it was a new government-sanctioned drug that was being used on people in the concentration camps. It wasn't safe though, its purpose was to suppress the Quirk, even at the cost of the person's health or the potential loss of said Quirk. He didn't have it in his system too long, so the doctor doubted it would cause permanent effects, but Izuku still wasn't able to hear Nana, Daigorou, or En and he was worried.

Those three were the only ones who knew him from when he lived in the future, if he lost them, then he truly was alone. He loved Yoichi, Leader, and Commander, but they didn't know everything he'd gone through and hadn't been there when all his hopes of becoming the number one hero were washed down the drain.

"Izuku, are you alright?" Yoichi's voice broke him from his thoughts and he looked up to see the concerned face of his uncle.

He flinched at the question, unable to really think up an answer, he wanted to say yes but that was quite right, but neither was saying no. In all honesty, he wasn't sure if he was alright or not, physically he wasn't, but mentally, he just didn't know.

"I-I don't know, just upset that I can't continue to help." Izuku mumbled with a shrug." Right now, I'm just another mouth to feed, using up medical supplies, and not even doing anything to repay what the group has done for me."

The white-haired man sighed and moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Izuku, you aren't wasting resources." Yoichi assured firmly." Your strength isn't just in your physical prowess but in your mind, not to mention, your safety and happiness are more than worth using resources. Nothing will change that, just know that you're alive and that is what matters, everything else can be dealt with as time goes on."

Izuku admittedly felt a bit better but was still unsure of his place in the group, he had never intended to work on analysis forever. He was supposed to be out there, actively fighting All For One, preventing a future where Leader, Yoichi, and Commander died.

"I just don't you to die, but if I'm stuck in a hospital bed, how will I protect you?" Izuku asked, desperate for an answer.

He felt his eyes water and tears began to overflow, he just wanted to keep his family safe this time.

"Oh Izuku, I can't promise I will always be here but that doesn't mean I'm going to go off and get myself killed." Yoichi assured, reaching their hand over to cup his cheek." Perhaps before you arrived at the base, I would have, but right now I have so much to live for and I am not letting my brother take me away from you without trying my damnest to stick by your side."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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