Chapter 2

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Severe Panic Attack and Dissociation in the latter half of the chapter.

References to severe bullying and abuse (from Bakugou obviously).


"So tell me more about yourself, what kind of things do you like to do for hobbies?" Yoichi suggested an hour after Izuku had finished playing twenty questions.

Izuku hesitated, while he wanted to tell the man the truth, that he was from the future and had a future version of the man's Quirk, he knew it was a horrible idea. Even if he ignored the consequences of speaking of the future, he would still risk them turning on him, not believing what he said and chalking it up as lying or that he was crazy.

It was a difficult situation, most of the laws here were outdated, so even everyday things in his life that would otherwise reveal nothing could become an issue later on. If he displayed no knowledge of laws that were common during this time, it would be extremely unusual. Then again, he did have green hair and it might be believable that his mother hid him away from anyone she didn't trust.

"I like analyzing Quirks, that's what I call Meta Abilities, they're just so cool and could help so many people!" Izuku started, not realizing he'd started to ramble." My favorite Quirks are healing Quirks, I knew someone with a Quirk that could heal someone by kissing them, but it would drain the patient's stamina. She was a little easy to anger, but she was really nice most of the time! I also love fire-type Quirks! My best friend had the ability to sweat Nitroglycerine, which he could then make a spark to ignite, it was really amazing. His name is Katsuki, but I call him Kacchan! He's the same age as me, he also has a bad temper and gets angry really really easily, but that's just his body's way of dealing with the side effects of Nitroglycerine."

He stopped when he heard a soft sound, focusing back on Yoichi only to realize the man had ducked his head, white hair falling in front of his face. Izuku's heart dropped when he noticed a drop of water fall onto the man's pants, indicating Yoichi was crying.

"A-Are you ok?" Izuku asked softly, wondering if he had said something wrong." If I made you uncomfortable, then I'm sorry! Most people feel weirded out by my rants, I even start muttering sometimes when I see something interesting, I understand if that's how you feel. I can keep my enthusiasm at bay if that's what you want."

Izuku trailed off, unsure and feeling guilty for making the man upset, but then Yoichi's head snapped up with wide eyes. Tears stains on the man's cheeks and a look of shock across all of their features, Izuku swallowed as Yoichi lifted a hand that he then rested on Izuku's shoulder.

"Don't ever apologize for being yourself, Izuku," Yoichi said firmly, the seriousness in the man's eyes taking Izuku by surprise.

"But I upset you," Izuku said slowly, frowning." If something I'm doing is making you uncomfortable, then you or anyone else shouldn't have to deal with it. I refuse to hurt people, even over something I enjoy doing."

"Izuku, I'm not upset for the reason you think." Yoichi whispered reaching up and brushing one of his curls out of his face, a sad look in the man's eyes." Your passion for Meta Abilities reminds me of how my brother used to be before Meta Abilities started appearing, he was so excited to learn everything about them. He wanted to be a superhero if he ever got one, even said he wanted me by his side saving people, but then his powers came in. After that, he started changing, it was disconcerting to see him have a one-eighty personality change. Hearing you talk, it was like hearing my brother before everything went downhill."

What was he meant to say to that, perhaps he should have been more horrified at being compared to All For One, but right now, he just felt sad that he'd brought up painful memories for Yoichi.

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