Chapter 7

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Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter, but it's only one or two hundred words shorter than usual.


Warnings are for Torture, Abuse, and Experimentation


When Izuku woke, he immediately noticed that he was not in the ruins of the base anymore, in fact, he was in a room with little to no light. He couldn't make much out, but the outlines of a bed, a toilet, and walls could be seen from the small sliver of light coming from underneath what appeared to be a door.

Carefully, he slipped off the bed, letting himself move along the wall which appeared to be made of metal, the floor was cold and smooth as well, indicating it was also made of metal.

Once he made his way to the door, he brushed a hand across it, unfortunately, it was also metal and would likely not be able to be kicked in unless he used quite a bit of One For All, which wasn't ideal. He had no way of knowing if kicking in a wall or the door would destabilize the foundation of whatever place he was in.

He let himself move onto his hands and knees, frowning as he slipped his pinky under the door, but to his horror, the metal door had to be thicker than his pinky finger was long considering he wasn't able to feel open air.

It would explain why so little light was appearing from underneath the door, suddenly the sound of metal against metal sounded through the room and Izuku scrambled back to the bed.

The door began slowly opening until there was a large light pouring into the room, encompassing everything in color once more. All For One's form stood at the entrance, the man not moving for a long moment, the dark outline of the man against the light of the background was unnerving to look at.

"Ah, glad to see you are awake, little one." All For One's voice echoed through the room, the nickname causing Izuku to wince." I was worried that the drug had some sort of negative effect on you, but you appear perfectly healthy."

Izuku felt his stomach twist in his gut, did the villain drug him?!

"You're probably confused, but for simplicities sake, I'll just say that due to being unable to take your Quirk, I've taken to drugging it into submission until I can figure a way to get rid of it. I can't have my own son getting hurt by a power that not even I can control, that would be bad parenting."

And this wasn't?

Izuku would have burst out laughing in any other situation, but right now, he was in the lion's den and it would be deadly to try and make fun of the one who controlled his situation. He wondered if Leader and Commander were looking for him, was Yoichi worried, and how would the drug affect Nana, Daigorou, and En.

Was En ok, he had gotten hurt when All For One had tried to steal One For All. What about Hikage, did the kid evacuate in time before the base got torn down?

"Nothing to say?" All For One questioned, a sliver of surprise in his tone." Must be a trait you inherited from your mother, considering I've always enjoyed talking."

And wasn't that the truth, Izuku was wishing he was deaf right now, the sound of clear obsession in the villain's voice was making his stomach churn. He just stared at All For One, not willing to talk when he knew it would either lead to more problems or would just make the man want to talk even more.

"I see how it is, you're too much like your uncle, we'll need to fix that." All For One commented before grinning." Lucky for you, I've recently become friends with a doctor who knows exactly how to fix mental conditions, perhaps you can test the treatment out for when I manage to get your uncle back!"

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