Chapter 5

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Sorry the chapter seemed really busy, I didn't realize I fit so much into it until I was finished.


Izuku sat on a bed in the medical unit, he had been ordered to stay there until the results of the full diagnosis of his former injuries came back. He knew they would find evidence of broken bones that were not healed professionally, although, at this point, his arms would only show more recent injuries due to how much he'd broken them while training One For All.

There was also internal scarring on some of his organs, mild nerve damage, and more. All of it would show up on scans, assuming they used the right equipment. It left him with a problem, all those former injuries would raise questions, and it wouldn't match his story cause most of the injuries were made by Quirks.

The kid he had helped save was doing well, with no infection, and they had already woken up and the kid's name was confirmed to be Hikage or more specifically, Shinormori Hikage.

Izuku glanced up as the door opened, Leader, Commander, Yoichi, and the doctor entered the room and he could see them whispering to each other while the doctor pointed to the clipboard she was holding. He tensed at the closed-off expression on Leader's face, it hurt seeing that on the man he'd grown rather fond of.

As Yoichi approached and sat on the side of his bed, he gave his uncle a small hesitant smile.

"Hey, Uncle Yoichi," Izuku greeted and the other man closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them, face falling into a frown.

"You've been lying about your life before we found you, haven't you?" Yoichi questioned and Izuku's heart dropped to his stomach, he couldn't tell them about the time travel, it would ruin the future and he couldn't afford that.

~ Why not? ~ Daigorou asked and Izuku froze. ~ You're not getting back to your time kid, keeping things the same is just gonna end with your uncle, Leader, and Commander dead. You might as well change the outcome, tell them and they can help you fight All For One. ~

Izuku wanted to, he really did, could he really just throw everything away and give up hope of ever getting back to his time?

He glanced up at his uncle who was still waiting for a response to his question, in his heart, Izuku already knew the answer to his own question. He had to at least try and save everyone, even if that erased his own future, he didn't know whether he'd disappear if he did that but even if he did, his uncle, Leader, and Commander deserved to live a full life after all they went through.

"I-I'm sorry, I was scared and at the time I didn't trust you, by the time I did I had already lied so much that I thought you'd hate me if I told the truth." Izuku admitted, closing his eyes tightly and inhaling a deep breath." Most of what I said was true, I weaved the truth into the words I said, but the fact of the matter is that I wasn't ostracized for having a Quirk, but for not having one. I'm not from your time, I am from a little over two hundred years into the future, I was sent back due to a Quirk and now I'm stuck in the Dawn of Quirk's era."

Yoichi was silent, not a single sound was heard in the room and he turned to realize Leader and Commander had also come over to talk and had heard everything he'd just said.

"The future?" Commander questioned with a frown." If you're All For One's son, that means we failed to end his tyranny, didn't we?"

"Yes and no." Izuku said slowly, unsure if he should bring up the truth of his Quirk." You all had successors, people you entrusted to train to take him down, I was your ninth successor. I was meant to take him down in my timeline, but due to getting sent back, I've decided to lay low and not interfere. I didn't know if affecting too much would ruin any chance of defeating All For One."

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