Chapter Thirteen

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I Read the Hate

I grunted as the bus takes the parking space for it, before staring out the window and deciding that it is best if I am on my bunk when the boys woke up, so they believe that I was sleeping all night... I threw my laptop somewhere and positioned myself to 'sleep' cause I was sure that I wasn't going to get sleep, and I was now regretting my decision of staying up all night.

It wasn't my fault in all reality, somehow a picture of Slate and I kissing was leaked (twenty bucks it was Brian) but ever since that, my social media has been blowing up. I have been receiving so much hate, death threats and some other nice comments, but it has been chaos. I believe that Slate doesn't know just yet, but once he realized this, he is going to be furious.

"Wake up Princess," Slate's voice spoke as he shook me. "We have arrived,"

I yawned. "Give me like ten more hours please," I whined as I tried to cover myself further with the duvet.

Slate chuckled. "Come on Scotty," He sighed. "We are going to grab your favourite breakfast," He kissed my exposed arm. "I don't think that I will be able to eat all the waffles and bacon by myself,"

"Sometimes I hate you," I mumbled uncovering myself from the sheets. I rubbed my eyes and stared at him and his stupid perfect smile, which was surrounded by the scruff of his five days without shaving, and beautiful crinkles around his eyes, making me realize how much he loves smiling, especially to me. I do have to wonder how I became friends with someone as beautiful as he is, I could spend all day staring at him, and I would never get tired. He is the definition of perfect.

"You've got half an hour Princess," Slate kissed my nose. "Is that enough for you?"

I gave a slight nod. "Is Brian tagging along?"

Slate smirked as he came closer and kissed my ear. "It's a date Princess, it's only you and me," He whispered, and kissed my ear once again when I shuddered. He gave me a wink before walking away, and giving me the perfect view of his backside.

Letting out a sigh, I climbed down the bunker and gather my cloth before heading over to the bathroom and getting ready. I was nervous because of the date, we hadn't really established if we are boyfriend and girlfriend, we have just shared many kisses and maybe we are more affectionate but other than that, we are just the same.

"Scotty!" Slate called out from the bathroom. "Your phone's ringing, do you want me to answer?"

"If it's mom yes," I replied. "If not just let it ring," I added as I continued applying makeup. Going out with Slate meant that I had to look flawless if I didn't want to be eaten alive by paps or fans. Overall, I had to be perfect, and that is what I am scared of, that I am not perfect.

Once I finished with the routine and everything, I walked out of the bathroom, only to hear Slate laughing, most likely with my mother, about what, I don't even want to know. I threw my things on the bunk and gather some courage before walking towards Slate. As soon as he saw me, his smile became wider and pulled me towards him before planting a kiss on my forehead.

He mumbled a goodbye and hung up the phone. "Let's go, your mom says that she misses you and that she will come to one of the concerts," He winked. "Now, come on love, we gotta get going, we have a very tight agenda for the day,"

I hummed. "When is she coming?" I questioned as Slate dragged me around.

"Next week," He replied. "Do you have your sunglasses and are you ready?" I nodded and placed my sunglasses on. "Don't let go of my hand,"

I gulped and gripped his hand a little tighter before we stepped out of the bunker bus. Slate was right about using sunglasses, because the minute we stepped out, a gazillion of paps blinded us with their flashes, and also the fact that the sun was at its brightest. Slate tried to protect me, and even though he is way taller than me, paps always seemed to find an angle to take a picture of me.

"Are you two dating?" Someone shouted and I tensed at the question. Slate growled as he held me tighter and walked faster towards the taxi that was waiting for us.

People kept shouting those questions and I tried to block them away cause I was more than sure that if they kept, I would be having a panic attack, and that was the last thing that I needed.

It was so much pressure with people shouting about us dating, and all the comments that people sent me telling me that I wasn't good enough for Slate and that I was never going to be what he needed. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to tell Slate that I had done the one thing that he asked me not to do.

Once we entered the cab, I stared at him, my eyes getting teary. "What is wrong Princess?" Slate questioned. "What happened? Please tell me what it is so that I can fix it."

"I don't think you can fix the broken," I whispered.

"Scotland?" Slate's voice was low.

"I read the hate Slate." I sighed. "I was up all night reading it. I know-" I couldn't even finish talking because Slate had already embraced me and I was crying.

"I will fix it," Slate said as he rubbed my back. "I promise."

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