Chapter Six

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I couldn't help but laugh as I ran around the stadium trying to get away from Slate. We were currently playing tag, as we waited for the manager to come and tell the band what they are supposed to be doing. This was going to be the second concert, so they still weren't sure what to do.

I shouted as I jumped off the stage and climbed the stairs. Slate was behind me, but he was a tad bit slower, oh the awesome perks of exercise... I was now running between rows and jumped the seats, as I heard Slate's pants, meaning that he was catching up. I still didn't understand why he was behind me when Brian was chilling on stage and Ronald seemed to be too focused on his phone.

"Get away from me!" I shouted with laughter. "It is not fair that you are only chasing me!"

"My mother told me to chase my dreams!" Slate replied. "So that is what I am doing!"

I blushed at that compliment, but I thanked the lord that it wasn't visible given that I was red from the agitation. "BRIAN HELP ME!" I shouted as loud as I could, at the same exact moment that Slate hoisted me from the waist.

"You are mine now!" Slate tried to laugh evil in my ear, causing me to roar more laughter.

"Hey! Where are you taking me?" I questioned. "I thought we were playing tag,"

"Yeah, but we have to send the selfie to your mother," Slate struggled with me down the stairs, as I wiggled too much. "Stop moving, you are not going anywhere," He whispered to my ear.

I blushed at the comment and hid my face in the crook of his neck, only for him to laugh. Once he reached the stage he placed me down, and we got into our selfie mode, before snapping the picture so that we could send it to my mother. Once the picture was taken, I poked his ribs, shouted TAG and ran for my life, because I am that childish...


A small smile came to my face as I flipped the page of the book I was currently reading. I loved that part because if I am being honest, I had already read all the books on the saga, I was re-reading them because I love them. The saga is eight books, and I am only missing two... yeah, sue me I am a bookworm.

As I started the next chapter, Brian's laughter caught my attention. I lifted my view towards the guys as they did their video thingy.

"Liar!" Brian laughed as he pushed Ronald. "You so did!"

"Of course not! You have no proof!" Ronald laughed. "There is no proof of me ever wearing red lipstick, so it never happened!"

I let out a chuckle, earning a wink from Slate and an eye roll from Ronald. "Where is your best friend?" Slate read trying to change the topic. "She is here with us,"

"Though, she is tucked away in a corner," Brian added. "Being a little bookworm," He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Oi!" I laughed. "What is wrong with that?"

"Nothing princess," Slate smiled warmly at me. "What are you reading?"

"Fang," I replied. "By James Patterson, from the Angel Experiment Saga," I winked at Slate.

The guys nodded and turned back to the laptop in front of them. "Show us!" Ronald shouted jerking the laptop to where I was. Just to my luck, I literally had my face buried in the book, so it was shielded from the camera.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I shouted as I tucked further into the book.

"Ronald!" Both Brian and Slate shouted.

"You know dam well that she doesn't want to be on camera!" Slate spat. "You're good to go princess," He added in a whisper and I looked up at him with watery eyes.

I gulped standing up, I was pissed at Ronald, how dare he do that! I flipped him the finger before I made my way out of the recreation room. As soon as I was out, I sat on the floor hugging my knees, I was trying not to have a panic attack. I knew that something like this could happen, but I never thought it was going to be deliberate. I also know that I haven't told you why I don't to be on camera, but they, I mean Ronald, should respect my decision...

I could hear Slate shouting and Ronald attacking back, I was glad that Brian wasn't part of the screaming match. I wanted to go back into the room and demand for them to stop, I don't want Slate to ruin his friendship with Ronald, I mean, I understand that he had crossed the line, but still.

"Scotty?" Slate sighed as he opened the door, I looked up from my knees. "I'm sorry princess," He whispered as he embraced me. "I never thought that he was going to be doing something like that,"

"It's okay," I whispered. "I just hope he doesn't pull another prank like that,"

"Oh," He chuckled. "He better not," He warned as he held me tighter. "If he does, I'll make sure he leaves this band,"

"What?" Ronald's voice boomed. "You are going to kick me out because of her?"

"I would do anything for her!" Slate shouted as we stood up. He took a protective stance. "You respect her, understood?" He hissed. "You already heard what I said. You pull another game like that, exposing her to the world when she doesn't want to, and I will make sure that you are out of here,"

"Whatever," Ronald spit and walked away.

I was in shock. How could it be possible that Slate was even thinking of kicking a member of his band just for me? What the hell?

I felt Slate turn around and hugged me once again before I broke down and buried my face in his chest. Slate is my superhero. 

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