Chapter 20

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You just let what just happened rest and didn't question it any further. "I'm going to get some sleep. Need a hell of a lot of energy for tomorrow." you said as you got up from the couch and stretched briefly as you couldn't help but yawn. "Tomorrow should be an exciting day!" joked Aether. "Super exciting." you joke back as you both started laughing.

"You'll probably still be sitting with the others." you stood in front of Fire, who was still looking at you full of energy. You leaned down to him and gave him a hug. "Good night. Love you." Then you gave him another kiss.

Just as you were about to leave, a grip around your wrist stopped you. You turned around and looked back into Fire's eyes. "Is there anything else?" "Love you too." he smiled as he let you go then, while you got a smile on your lips.

Tired, you dragged yourself up the stairs to your room. In your room you changed your clothes before falling into bed exhausted and quickly falling asleep. You weren't sure if you woke up again when Fire arrived or if you just slept through the night, in any case you really needed the sleep.

Early in the morning your alarm clock rang as you tried to get dressed as quietly as possible so as not to wake Fire. Downstairs in the kitchen you made yourself something to eat. Since you still had enough time, you sat down with your breakfast on the large terrace and had breakfast there alone. It was so nice and quiet when slowly everything was awake.

With your car you then left on time and during the drive, with very loud music, you have already mentally prepared for today.

The whole day. From 8 o'clock in the morning to 17 o'clock in the evening you sat there in the city hall, while the largest garbage was discussed. You felt like you were a mayor since you were a chosen one. They were talking about how to proceed and allways wanted your opinion.

You exhaled deeply as you walked out the main door of the town hall. The first thing you did was go to the restaurant across from the town hall to get something to eat. In the town hall there were a few small snacks but they were not the tastiest things and also not big portions that you could get full of them. In the car, you then first treated yourself with a huge burger, before you drove home with even louder music than you came.

Back at the church, the others were just starting dinner, but since you were now completely full, you just sat with them. "So how was your day?" "You know, Aether... it was so exciting... I could tell you about it for hours." you joke again before telling them a bit from today.

"Where is Fire? Did he get Thaba yet?" you ask around the room as you quickly noticed Fire wasn't sitting in the cafeteria. "Yes he has. I'm guessing he's upstairs with Thaba and-" "and looking forward to you coming back." "Oh yeah...he's missed you all this time and was really sad you couldn't be there today." Copia interrupted Aether, as if Aether wanted to tell you something he didn't want you to know. Confused, you then just nodded.

"I'll go up to Fire and Thaba then." Still confused, you got up and made your way upstairs.

Upstairs you carefully entered the room and saw Fire sitting on the floor playing with Thaba. "Well hello you two." Only now did Fire catch on to you as he looked up at you in surprise that you are finally here.

"Hey. How was it?" You sat down on the floor next to Fire and gave Thaba a quick cuddle. "Hello Thaba you cutie. Finally you're here with us. Well.. there it was boring as usual. But towards the end it got really exhausting to still show attitude and not fall asleep right away. Would really rather have gone with you-what the?" under your bed came a quiet meow as you sat the green-blue eyes and a little later Toast came out and ran into your arms immediately. "Toast!?" directly you took her in your arms and cuddled her, when your eyes already became glassier.

"I thought she was sold?" a tear fell on her fur as you looked to Fire. "She didn't say to who..." said Fire proudly. "You were sitting there looking so happily with her and it was a little heartbreaking to see you say goodbye to Toast, even though you indirectly wanted her."

Fire uncovered the truth of you as you couldn't help but push Toast a little close to you and cuddle her. "Thank you." you said tearfully as tears were still coming from your eyes and you were still overwhelmed with the situation. "Aww Air...I'd love to give you a hug...but I don't think I can right now." Fire had the sleeping Thaba in his arms as he looked at you apologetically.

All evening you sat on the couch with Toast and snuggled with her while you read a book. Fire showed Thaba to the others, so he was gone for a while.

Also when you got ready for bed in the evening, Toast was with you the whole time, waiting until you were free to cuddle again. With Toast on your belly and Thaba on Fire's belly you fell asleep while Fire and you just held hands, because you had no other chance.

But that Toast lay on your belly didn't last long, because you are a person who actually likes to move around and often changes position when you are not in Fire's arms. That's why you put Toast next to your pillow so that you could move again.

The moonlight was shining into your room, so you could see some outlines of Fire and Thaba. They lay there contentedly, purring as if there were no tomorrow. The growling made you so relaxed that you quickly fell asleep yourself.

My 6 weeks summer vacation are over now.. I can't belive it. The times flys so fucking fast. I hope you guys have a great time! Love you. <3

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