Chapter 26

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You also put your arms around her at some point, when you carefully tried to stroke the back of her head to calm her down somehow. She cried the whole time loudly and full of pain that you couldn't help yourself and started crying too. "Shh... everything will be alright."

You noticed that your voice calmed her down a bit, so you kept whispering in her ear. Sometimes you said what a great woman she is, or sometimes how much you love her. At some point she stopped crying and none of her tears ran down your neck or landed on your clothes, while you still lay on the forest floor when it became quiet.

She climbed off you at some point, which is why you took the chance to sit up yourself. She kneed there looking at you with teary red eyes. "Come here." you opened your arms a little, as a sign for her to come to you. She crawled to you as she sat in your lap a little later. You had one arm around her back as you put your other arm on her legs.

It was still quiet as she tried to say something but couldn't. " don't have to talk." You whisper in her ear as she was right in front of you. "Of course, if you want to talk about it, you're welcome to. I'll listen to you. But you don't have to. Ok?" Air nodded as she still had her eyes on her hand in her lap, fiddling with it.

You put your hand her cheek and used it to turn her head to you. "Beeing sad is ok. And even if I don't know what caused your sadness, I promise everything will be alright. Hey you are such a strong and amazing woman. And no matter what happens, I'll stand by your side." Her eyes looked deep into your soul as you struggled not to get lost in those beautiful eyes.

Silently, she looked to you as you saw her eyes grow glassier. "Come here." She put her head right under your head, which is why you put your chin on it as her shoulder pressed a little against your torso.

You put your arm around her head a little to give her the security she needed right now. Her arms were around you, hugging you as best as she could in that position right now.

For a while you then just sat there.

"mfhsb you were asofe creepy." she mumbled, where you only understood half of it. "What?" you said in confusion. She straightened back up and sat on your lap as she looked to you. You tucked her hair, which was hanging in her face, behind her ear as she took a quick deep breath and wiped away her tears. "It wasn't nice earlier. When you stood in front of me you had such a creepy smile as your eyes pierced me in a bad way. You didn't seem like Fire and I was just scared and panicked. I couldn't even fight back. I'm sorry."

"Hey you don't have to apologise. Let me tell you a story from me. I've been really scared of something before too, and it haunted me for a long time. I'm actually really proud of you for telling me. When I was little and it happened to me, I didn't find anyone to talk to and that was a really bad mistake. I interpreted so much into it. But I would never do anything to you. And you know that. Right?" you looked questioningly into Air's eyes, who avoided your gaze. As a solution, you carefully took her face in your hand again and turned it towards you. "Right?" you tried to put on a played serious face, when Air couldn't help but smirk.

"Of course! Silly." she gave you a kiss as your heart started beating double as you saw Air somewhat happy again. "Thank you for being there for me. It really feels good to talk about it." With a genuine smile on her face she looked to you. "Like I said. I'm always here for you and will always listen to you! But did I just hear you call me silly?" again you put on your fake questioning face as you fell out of character and laughed along with Air. "Yeah... silly..." said Air before kissing you again.

You caught yourself gripping her hip a little tighter as you still held the kiss. The grip made her moan into the kiss, which is why you took the chance and your tongue found its way into her mouth. Completely out of breath, she broke away and looked dreamily at you.

"Slow down Fire... you just became a Chosen One, so everything is even newer and more sensitive. Maybe we should dial down the sex a bit. I speak from experience..." looked Air at you knowingly, to which you just rolled your eyes. "Alright..." you said annoyed which of course wasn't real.

"If you want we can always meet here and I'll help you a little with your power." suggested your girl as she made her arms around your neck while your lay halfway on your arms behind your back. "That would be really sweet. I have no idea about anything and it seems to be so much." "Yep... it does a little... but you can do it. One thing at a time." Air smiled as she already took some fear away from you knowing you weren't alone and then also having a professional that shows you how it goes.

"So it's going to be like school all over again." you told as it just popped into your head. "Yeah...that's one way to put it." Air grinned. "Then I'll have to go back to school... ah how I used to hate school. I hope I at least have a good looking teacher, then hopefully I can make out with her." you said while winked at Air.

She took your suspenders in her hand as she looked to you. "Maybe you'll also get a really old horrible teacher who shows bad boys what it means to listen with punishments." Air's voice was low as she immediately had you in her possession. Completely dreamy you looked into her eyes as she let go of your suspenders again and it came full against your piercing, which twinged nicely.

You put your hand on it to make the pain not so bad as you looked in surprise at Air. "Ouch!" you said offended while she just laughed.

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