Chapter 43

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*Terzo's pov*
You took a step back when Aice started moving weird. You had to admit that you were really scared at that point. Aice had been moving so strangely.

All of a sudden it got quiet and you thought the spooky stuff was finally over. But it was like the peace before the storm. Aice wound literally burst open as pitch black blood ran out from it. The lump in your throat got even thicker as Aice vomited black blood.

You didn't even notice that your brother suddenly fainted. Shortly you even forgot that he was in the room at all. As Copia came back into your head, so did Fire. You took your eyes off Aice and turned to him. It still felt like there was no life in this body as his gaze was so stiff on Aice.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw two frightened ghouls standing in the doorway. So you took your eyes off Fire and looked at them. Aether and Sunshine were standing there. From the looks of them, you could tell they were watching the whole spectacle. You knew Aice wasn't done. But you couldn't tell how horrible it will get, which is why you wanted your ghouls to leave.

You took two steps toward them as they turned their eyes on you. "Aice is going to make it. Only I don't want you to watch right now what's about to happen to her. Do me a favor and take Fire with you. Distract him. Wash him. Talk to him. If don't say anything about Aice, maybe he doesn't remember. Just take him out of this room." You looked seriously into their glazed eyes as they listened to you. Their response was a nod before you turned back around.

Abruptly you stopped. The black blood dripped from your chair onto your floor and already formed a huge puddle. You never saw something like that.

Your gaze moved from the blood up to Aice. She stopped vomiting blood and just lay there as if she was sleeping while her wound was soaked with blood. Roughly, you saw Sunshine and Aether trying to get Fire out of the room.

For a while you stood there and watched the puddle getting bigger and bigger. It was even so big that it reached your brother who was still lying on the floor. You realized that you couldn't do anything right now, so you picked Copia up from the ground. With his back you leaned him against a wall. Slowly he woke up again, so you took the water glass from your desk. When he was awake enough to drink, you put the glass in his hand. He gratefully accepted it, as he only had eyes on Aice.

"What's going to happen to her now?" Copia's voice was still very shaky when he asked you. "I can't say, Copia. I wish I knew. I know she has anktio-poisoning. But in all the cases I've seen and read, the poison was only taken through the mouth. The person's blood turns dark red. Never have I read of it turning completely black. People who have been in contact with anktio herbs can only be counteracted with dark magic. The dark red blood is transformed in the body. Through the magic that the body gets, it can fight against this herb. Because of the effort, the body needs a short rest and falls into an exactly 24 hour coma. If people acts too slowly against such poisoning, the person suffers a painful and slow death. Aice thing is something completely new and different. The poison was transferred directly into her stomach with a knife blade. Since she is not in her chosen form, she loses her powers. On top of that, she feels such pains again. Otherwise, they were always short and passed immediately. I don't know how long that knife was in her, but Fire must have pulled it out of her. It was the best thing he could have done."

You turned your gaze back to Aice as you noticed the blood slowly diminishing. "What if this is already the worst stage? Otherwise the blood was just dark red. Hers is darker. She was fed the herbs right through her stomach... then also that she's no longer a Chosen One and is just a ghoul, leaving her with nothing special about her. Terzo... I'm just scared..." Copia's voice started to tremble, which is why you knelt down to him and hugged him. He dove right into your arm when he realized what you were about to do.

"I don't know where it comes from. But I'm sure Aice will make it. No one has ever documented what it's like to have this herb enter the body like this. We don't know if with other ghouls, the exact same thing happens. And honestly. Even if Aice wasn't a Chosen One, she'd still be special. To us. She is such a strong and talented woman. She has been through so much and has always gotten back up. And even stronger than before. Copia. You have to believe in her. She will make it. That's the kind of thing you have to keep in your mind. Got it?" Your brother just nodded as you looked again at Aice's face and you said the exact phrase in your head that you just said to Copia as you had to start smiling.

You were about to say something else when something caught your eye. The puddle on the floor somehow became lighter. It was no longer deep black. It was more of a red color. Immediately your heart started beating faster as the puddle started to get less and it started to run back into Aice. Black was no longer the color of her blood. It was exactly the color that blood normally is.

Copia saw it too and started crying with joy. You got back to your feet as you nervously watched the blood run back into her body. As if someone had pressed the reverse button.

Some time passed as the last drops of blood disappeared into the wound. All that was left behind was a small scar on her stomach.

Aice suddenly startled and leaned forward as she began to gasp for air.

You got an even bigger smile on your lips as you saw in her eyes even more intense the two colors that marked her as the chosen one.

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