Chapter 69

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Unfortunately, you couldn't hold the moment for long and you grabbed your towel to wrap yourself in. On weak legs, you got out of the shower and went to the sink where the test was. It was still upside down, but you knew that the result was clearly written there.

You carefully turned it over, hoping to see a minus. But there was the plus again. A thousand emotions ran through your body and your head became hot and cold at the same time.

You had just managed not to cry for five minutes, but your eyes got wet again. You pulled yourself together to keep from crying as you realized that Fire was already in your room, just waiting for you to finish and come out of the bathroom. You can't face him with red eyes. You had to pretend nothing was wrong and you were just tired. You were sure that if he asked you just once what was going on and didn't let you go until you gave him an answer, the ice would crack underneath you where you were standing.

You turned your head off and started drying yourself. However, you kept catching yourself looking at your stomach in the mirror. As if you could see anything now.

Dressed, you threw all the packages back in the bin and hid one of the positive tests behind all your shampoos while you tucked the other one up your sleeve. You checked in the mirror again to make sure you were smiling properly and that no one could see behind your wall, which you actually wanted to escape from yourself.

"You can go to the bathroom now." You came out of the bathroom and saw Fire waiting on your sofa. His fresh clothes were lying next to you while he was looking fixed on his phone. When he noticed you, he put it away, took his things and headed for the bathroom. "I'm going to have a quick shower either, do you need anything else? You look a bit pale." He stopped again briefly and wanted to check on you.

Don't let him look behind your wall. Don't.

"No thanks... I was about to go to the kitchen and eating something if you're looking for me then." you refused and lied at the same time as you started to put your things in your closet to turn your back to him. Fire's footsteps could be heard and a little later the bathroom door closed. You breathe out a sigh of relief.

You quickly make your way out of the room. Now you have a little buffer to organize your thoughts and find a solution. You didn't go to the library, but to a very rarely used corridor in the church behind the library. Only when you were sure that no one was here or nearby could you let go of your pain and start crying.

You fucked up. Even more than that.

You found a place on a windowsill so that you at least had a nice view of the forest. You took the test out of your sleeve and looked at it. You still couldn't really grasp it.

You're gonna have an baby. You're gonna be a mom. Do all these mom things like you always see in the movies. You'll get a big tummy and don't need an apology for eating that much. It's something you always wished for

But you still couldn't really let go. The fear and grief were still strongly distributed throughout your body. Because Fire doesn't know now and you don't even have an idea how to tell him.

You only can hide for like 3 months until he's gonna notice.

Fuck! You're needing a plan.

According to your sense of time, you had been sitting there for 30 minutes looking for a solution. But every time you were close to it, the idea fell back into the distance and you had to keep looking. Your sweater already had a large darker area from all the tears.

"Air! Where the fuck are you!" Fire's voice sounded faintly through the hallway as you felt him enter the library angrily. "No... that can't be true..." he found out. He knows you're pregnant. And he's angry... you just wanted to run far away. Far away. But all of a sudden, Fire was already standing at the end of the hallway. His tail wagged aggressively behind him as he fixed you.

*3rd person*

After Fire entered the bathroom, he realized something was wrong. Aice was hiding something, but he didn't know what. Fire didn't want to address it though, afraid that it was just his false intaperation. He wanted to observe the whole situation for a bit before discussing his feelings with Aice.

Fire wanted to take a shower, which he did. He took a long, warm and pleasant shower as he reflected on the last few hours. He couldn't really believe that today was the first time he was really allowed to be there and fight. He thought it was so cool to be so strong. However, he realized that it really needed a lot of training and that he had only fought with a small variant. Aice's opponent was even stronger.

Fire got out of the shower and changed his clothes while he thought about what he could do right away. All he had to do was comb his hair and then he was ready in the bathroom. His conditioning spray, which he always used to make his hair easier to comb, was empty, so he wanted to take Aice's.

He went to her cupboard and was about to take the spray when he saw something strange that he didn't recognize behind the shampoos. He rummaged through the shampoos and took out the strange stick.

On closer inspection, Fire suddenly lost his breath. He took a few steps backwards and sat down on the bathtub, flashed. He didn't know what to think.

However, he felt the feelings that were actually locked away in the back of his mind erupt and spread throughout his head. But he didn't take these feelings well. they mixed with his anger.

„So that was the reason why she was in so much pain." he said to himself.

Fire had just remembered the conversation between Terzo Aice and him where Terzo was firmly convinced that they can't have children. It was immediately clear in Fire's mind that Aice only could have cheated on him.

He became angrier and angrier as he threw the brush he still had in his hand at the mirror, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

"That bitch... thinks she can fuck someone without me noticing. That sweaty motherfucker Tim! He's a fucking IceGhoul too. Perfect match. She can't talk her way out of it... no matter what arguments she tries to tell me. And I thought we were in love."

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