Chapter 64

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Today was the day. 5 years Fire and you. You couldn't really believe it. It felt much shorter than it actually was.

You had just woken up from the sun's rays while Fire was still sleeping peacefully on his side. You put your arms behind your head and your gaze was fixed on the ceiling while you were deep in some thoughts.

You thought back to all the memories you made. All the nervousness, excitement and joy. But also to all the shit that had happened to you. Your future plans had changed more than enough in those 5 years.

Fire slowly started to move next to you as your eyes went straight to him. "Good morning babe." Fire's voice grumbled as he opened his eyes and looked towards you. You were smiling on the outside, but on the inside it was like a house of cards that was falling apart.

Did he really forget? One of your most important dates? Or does he just play innocent?

But he continues staying unknown so you were sure he forgot it.

You didn't want to say anything to avoid getting the same answer again. You accepted it for many things, but it really hurt your heart a little. That's why you didn't want to stay in bed for long and pretend to be happy. "I'll get ready and go and have breakfast, I wanted to practise the piano a bit today either." "Sure... can I have a kiss first?" "Always." Overjoyed, you leaned over and kissed him briefly while after that you got dressed.

A few tears fell on the way to church, but you wiped them away when you heard voices. You had breakfast together, which cheered you up a little. "So are you two doing anything tonight?" Sunshine looked at Cirrus and Mountain, who had their second anniversary today. "We were thinking of going out for dinner." "I can watch Phantom again," you answered Mountain's question, which he hadn't asked you to. "That would be really nice. Thank you." he added.

"Maybe we can see what you want for your birthday. It's not that long away..." you said. Phantom's eyes widened even more than they had just been, which made you smile. "Don't you and Fire have anything planned for today?" Swiss leaned towards you, looking at you questioningly. "No.. At least not that I know of. But the way he seemed this morning, he doesn't even know it's our anniversary." Your gaze dropped as it hurt even more to say it. "Oh, I'm sorry about that..." "It's all right Swiss..."

No.. No, it wasn't alright.

After breakfast, you went straight to the rehearsal room. You hadn't been in there for a long time to actually play. But you haven't really forgotten anything. You played through your old setlist when you thought you'd practiced enough cause you started getting tired.

You went upstairs to your room and threw yourself on your bed to take a break. You were dozing a little when the door opened and Fire came in.

"Heyy you what's uppp?." he said as he closed the door and lay down on his side of the bed. You didn't want to cuddle or anything right now, if that's what he had in mind.

"It's so weird that Cirrus and Mountain have been married for two years. Like two years?!" That was another shot to the heart. You felt yourself wanting to cry, but you tried to swallow the tears as best you could. "Are you okay?" Fire turned his eyes on you as you didn't say anything and you scrunched up your nose from crying inside.

He went to touch your leg when you jerked away and stood up. "Can you believe we've been married for five years today?" you shouted a little louder than you wanted to be.

You didn't just stand there in the room, you stormed straight out of the door. You just had an idea in your head of where to go. You ran through the forest at such a fast pace that at some point you were sprinting. When you arrived at your place, you just stood there and breathed quickly. It felt like your thoughts and sadness wasn't fast enough as you run there that you shortly was feeling good.

But when they arrived either everything started to get shitty again. You started crying and blamed it all on yourself.

At some point you sat on your bench and looked into the forest. You were surprised how sad you were and where it was coming from but you just let it out.

Minutes... maybe hours, you didn't know, passed. At some point, your gaze went blank again, while tears rolled down your cheeks from time to time.

"Have I become so unimportant to him?" You asked yourself this question over and over again in your head. Because right now you weren't really sure.

You jumped a bit as suddenly a cracking sound was behind you. You turned around and saw into Fires Face. "What are you doing here?" your voice was sad and hurt as you turned around again not wanting to look at him. Seconds later he sat next to you.

"I'm here to apologize... I know I can't say that right now because I really hurt you and I really went too far. But I don't know what else to say right now." Silence fell between you. He was thinking exactly what you were thinking, which is why you had nothing to say.

He bit his lip while his gaze was fixed on you. "I don't know if it helps your thoughts, but I'm so happy with you right now. In my mind there is always you, everywhere. Thats why I often forget things. And I'm sorry about that from the bottom of my heart." You still didn't say anything. At some point, you slid next to him and bumped into him. "I'm still offended but I want to cuddle with you." you mumbled. You didn't really want to get weak, but you just couldn't ignore Fire's words like that. When he talks romantically, he means it.

"Can I make it up to you by asking you out on a date? On Monday? You can't say no because I've already booked the table." He knew exactly how to get you. "I hate you." was all you said as you rested your head back on his shoulder while his one arm went around your back. "I love you too." You sat there for a while and watched nature.

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