Chapter 73

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"Copia... I'm pregnant." as she said this she had straightened up a little at the same time as she was still lying on the floor. "Y-you're pr-pregnant... but... that's impossible..." you recoiled as this information simply overwhelmed you. How is that possible?

While you were still looking at her, overwhelmed, Cirrus had given her a congratulatory hug. "You really do make the impossible possible." Cirrus said with a smile, while Aice laughed, but you sat in her pain.

The secret wasn't quite uncovered yet. Why did Fire take off his ring? And why was she lying here?

Aice was overwhelmed and you were afraid of knocking her out again, so you held back.But you were sure you were going to talk to her today.

*3rd person*

You took her to the infirmary, even though she was fine on her feet. The Sisters just wanted to check her over again. Eventually Copia and the Sister went out because they needed to talk about something, so it was just you ghouls.

"I just can't believe you're pregnant. I'm so happy for you," Cirrus said as she sat down on the edge of the bed next to you. Mountain stood right behind Cirrus and put his hand on her shoulder.

The others tried to take Aice's mind off things, while she herself couldn't really realize that she was pregnant. Her hands caressed her belly every now and then as she suddenly saw her body differently.

Everyone was unknown. Little did everyone know how horrible it was going to be.

A knock interrupted the conversation. Copia, Terzo and the Sisters came into the room and everyone had a sad face. Everyone in the room got quiet and scared. "Terzo... tell Aice what the nurse said to you." came Copia suddenly with tears in her eyes.

"Aice... I'm so sorry... The child can probably kill you. Something is growing inside you that doesn't have your elements."

"WHAT!?" Cirrus started crying when she heard them. The others started to get glassy eyed as well, while Aice just bit her lips. "And what about Fire?" asked Sunshine, already thinking ahead. "He can't die then. It's something from Aice with him."

The others started talking because they just couldn't believe it. Aice stayed out of it, she didn't want to. All she kept hearing was "Fire". That name all the time and it never ended. Which is why she had to put one.

"Stop talking about him! If I die, he won't have my child!" Aice shouted louder than they were talking and interrupted the conversation. The many tears ran down her cheeks again. Everyone was confused and shocked when she said this and wanted to know why she said it.

"He left me on the floor when I collapsed in pain. Because he claims I cheated on him. He called me a whore, blamed me for his death and took off his wedding ring in front of me."

That was the truth. The secret was completely out in the open.

No one said anything when everyone didn't know how to handle the situation.

"While I'm pregnant, I don't want to see him once. And if the next time he sees me dead in the coffin. I can't. He went too far and it took all my strength."

"We'll hide you here in the infirmary if it's the last thing I do. You deserve that if it's one of your last wishes." Terzo said after a long silence in the room. The others were heartbroken, but they nodded gently and all wanted you to be okay.

Two months passed and Fire and Aice never saw each other once. Aice was given a room that wasn't right at the entrance to the infirmary and was somewhat hidden. They started to lie to him so that Fire wouldn't go crazy. They told him that Aice had gone to a clinic in hell because she was feeling bad. They also told him that Aice didn't want to have contact with anyone from the church and simply needed her distance.

Fire was not at all happy about this because he wanted to talk to her. But he accepted it because he knew what a mistake he had made. His only hope was when Aice "sent" him his wedding ring. Aice didn't know how to deal with the situation, but thought it was the right thing to do if she gave Fire his ring back.

In general, the mood had changed since the incident in the church. Everyone was involved in the lie to save Fire and Aice. But at the same time, everyone was afraid that if just one slip-up happened, Fire would snap again.

And then there's the fact that Aice was really struggling. The baby was growing inside her too fast that it was taking all her strength. It had only been two months since she was pregnant, but it looked like she was already 6 months pregnant. Every day she had to fight. The whole day she just lay in bed and slept. Sometimes the others came secretly to check on her.

They kept telling her how Fire was doing. He didn't look too well either, his reproaches to him were becoming visible. His heart ached more every day that he couldn't see Aice. Each time he realized that Aice didn't want to see him. He blamed himself for everything and kept looking back, when they were still so happy and so deeply in love with each other that it would make anyone else sick. And his anger caused him to tear everything apart.

Fire started to change. He tried to be kinder. He completely disguised himself so that no one could recognize Fire. He didn't want to be the Fire who threw tantrums anymore. This Fire should die to be a better man for Aice.

This also brought more sadness to the church because everyone knew that Fire didn't know that Aice was probably going to die.

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