Chapter 28

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"Well haven't been wearing a ring lately...was it that bad with that man?" your voice was such that Air immediately knew you were joking a little. Since she just went ahead a bit and was in her own thoughts, you ran up to her and put your arm around her waist.

Air took the ring thing well and laughed to herself about how sad she was to lose her ring.

She started to grin as she processed what you said and thought for a moment as she then replied to you. "Yeah... Fire...that was really bad with him...I really couldn't have taken it another second, I just had to end it somehow...and believe me. The way he loved me and kissed me... and especially the sex... well... goes a lot better." Air had a huge grin on her lips when you stopped. You were just a little confused if she was joking or if it was really true. Is your sex so bad?

She realized you had stopped, so she turned to you. "Fire... that was a lie!" she laughed as it got embarrassed for you only believing it for a moment.

You went back to her as she held her hand out to you as a sign to give her your hand, which you did. "Fire you are so perfect for me. Everything you do...makes me crazy about you. So don't ever doubt that. Ok?" her free hand was against your cheek as she looked at you that you were at a loss for words. You just nodded as your cheeks felt started to glow. She enchants you every time. That witch. She definitely has to teach you this trick.

Without really realizing it, she kissed you tenderly as she then pulled you behind her as you just didn't know how to walk by yourself.

Just before you got home, you were able to think properly again as the plan came back in your mind. You were still walking as she went ahead a bit, which is why you stopped abruptly, that she turned to you.

"Is what? Did you forget something?" she asked confused as you suddenly became so nervous that you couldn't form words in your mouth. Taking another deep breath, you looked her in the eye, let go of her hand, took a step back and started to talk.

"You told me earlier that you're not married anymore. So I guess you're available again now, right? Because I really like you and you look really hot too." Air smirked as you reached into your pocket. "Would you like to marry me again?" you got down on your knees again as you had a huge smile on your lips finally asking her.

Even though you only wanted to give her your wedding ring again, your feelings went completely crazy. It felt like you were asking her for her hand for the first time.

Air's eyes immediately glazed over as she had the most beautiful smile on her lips you've ever seen on her. But you think that every time you see her smile.

"You're so damn cute. That's why I just love you. Yes! Very much like to get married to you again. Let's see how long it takes for the kind of man like you, I can stand and give me what I want." She laughed. Another point that just made you happy. Your humor. Only you two have that kind of humor and it's the best there is.

You got up from the floor again and put the ring, which looks exactly like yours, around her finger. But this time immediately on the right. Just as you were still trying to get the ring right, she already gave you a kiss, which is why you were a bit startled at how quickly her lips were on yours. (But in a positive sense. Of course. Hehe)

After that you went home really fast, because you were already a bit late. At the rehearsal Air happily told that she is now "engaged" again. Everyone was amazed and wondered who the lucky one is and how long he can hold out, since she is so complicated and hard to handle.

"Since we're kind of on the subject...I wanted to say something for a minute." the room went silent as Mountain got up from behind his drums and came to the center of the room. "Cirrus can you come over here for a minute?" asked Mountain, who was sitting a bit close to you.

You were a little confused as to what was going to happen now, which is why you moved back and forth a little more on your swivel chair, behind your piano. At some point you felt Fire's gaze on you when you looked directly at him and he looked just as confused as you were, so you had to start smiling and took a quick look at your ring.

It was the simplest gesture from him, but it was sweet that your eyes started to glaze over just thinking about it.

"I think you're all a little confused right now about what's supposed to happen here at a normal rehearsal. But what I'm about to do, I didn't want to think through and plan for a long time, but just with my best alone." you could hear a little bit how Mountain's voice started to tremble.

"Cirrus. I remember exactly how it all started with us. Aice and Fire were the big topic of conversation at church when we kind of got to know each other more intimately. We didn't need words to make each other understand that we loved each other. You were always there for me without me even having to say what I was missing. In my eyes you are such a stunning woman with so much talent, which blows me away every time. don't know how to explain you in any way right now, that you really know what you're like to me. Words just can't describe you."

Mountain had Cirrus hands in his as he had so much love in his voice that you slowly realized what Mountain was up to. It also became a little clearer to Cirrus, which is why her eyes were already getting glassier.

"Cirrus...I wanted to ask you something. Lately I've realized how important you've become to me, and how much I want to continue feeling it into infinity. Cirrus. Will you marry me?" Mountain reached into his pocket as he pulled out a small box and a little later got down on his knees in front of her and started crying himself from all the emotions.

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