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The U.A. dormitories were abuzz with the energy of young heroes-in-training. In the common room, the Class 1-A students had formed two distinct groups. On one side stood Deku Squad, comprised of Tsuyu Asui, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, and Izuku Midoriya. Opposite them was Baku Squad, led by Katsuki Bakugo and featuring Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jiro, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, and Hanta Sero.

The atmosphere was charged with friendly rivalry as the squads debated which one was the stronger and more cohesive team. Laughter mingled with boasts, each side eager to prove their prowess.

Mina, her fiery hair reflecting her vivacious spirit, declared, "Baku Squad is unstoppable! We've got the energy and firepower to take on anything!"

Bakugo, arms crossed and irritation evident, chimed in, "Damn right! We're not just strong; we're the best, hands down."

Across the room, Deku Squad exchanged amused glances. Tsuyu's calm demeanor contrasted with Ochaco's teasing grin, while Todoroki observed with his usual stoicism.

Todoroki's icy gaze landed on Bakugo. "This rivalry is getting out of hand. We should focus on teamwork instead of division."

As the squads' banter escalated, the classroom door slid open, revealing the disheveled figure of Mr. Aizawa, the sleep-deprived hero known for his quirk-erasing abilities. Aizawa's stern gaze swept over the divided room, his irritation palpable.

"What's this noise?" Aizawa's voice was a low growl, causing the room to fall silent.

Bakugo's scowl deepened, but he begrudgingly addressed their teacher. "Just some friendly competition, Aizawa."

Aizawa's eyes bore into Bakugo, unimpressed. "Friendly competition is fine, but this is bordering on disruption. Your class should be united, not divided into factions."

Bakugo's jaw clenched, but he didn't argue further. Aizawa's words carried weight, and even he recognized the need to maintain class cohesion.

Aizawa's expression softened slightly, his exhaustion evident in the lines etched on his face. "Since you're so intent on your squads, perhaps a different perspective is needed. You're all going to have a sleepover."

The room erupted in a mix of confusion and surprise. Aizawa, who valued his sleep above all else, was suggesting a sleepover?

Mina's eyes widened, her excitement barely contained. "A sleepover? With the whole class?"

Aizawa's gaze remained unwavering, his tone serious. "Yes. It's time you spend some quality time together outside of the classroom. Maybe then you'll understand the importance of unity."

Deku Squad exchanged intrigued glances, while Baku Squad's members shared skeptical looks. Nevertheless, the prospect of a sleepover had planted a seed of curiosity and uncertainty.

As the room buzzed with whispers and questions, Aizawa turned to leave. "Sleepover. Tomorrow night. Don't be late."

With that, the teacher departed, leaving the students to process the unexpected turn of events.

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