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The room buzzed with anticipation, the aftermath of the game of truth or dare leaving an electric energy in its wake. The bonds among Class 1-A had deepened, secrets unveiled and connections formed. But there was one secret that still hung in the air, waiting to be revealed.

As the night pressed on, Denki's mischievous grin sparkled in the dim light. "Alright, Katsuki, truth or dare?"

Bakugo's scowl deepened, his arms crossed defiantly. "Quit pestering me, you damn extras."

Undeterred, Denki leaned in, his expression determined. "Come on, just go along with it."

Bakugo's irritated gaze swept across the room before he let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, whatever. Truth."

A ripple of anticipation surged through the group as Denki seized the opportunity. "Who do you like?"

Bakugo's eyes flickered, a complex mix of emotions dancing in their depths. "Back the hell off."

Mina, who had been watching the exchange with an amused glint in her eyes, leaned in further. "Oh, come on, bakubabe. Spit it out you doged last time i asked."

A tense silence enveloped the room, as if the air held its breath, waiting for the truth to surface.

Bakugo's glare intensified, his resolve faltering as the attention of the room bore down on him. Finally, he let out a frustrated sigh, as if conceding defeat. "Alright, fine. I've got someone in mind."

The room seemed to pulse with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. Whispers of speculation floated through the air as the unspoken question lingered—just who was the object of Bakugo's affection?

The atmosphere was thick with tension and anticipation, a charged energy that sparked between the classmates. And as the night wore on, the dare that had been set in motion continued to unfold.

Denki's playful grin persisted, his eyes alight with mischief. "Well, well, Katsuki. Now that you've spilled the beans, there's only one thing left to do."

Bakugo's scowl deepened, his expression a mixture of irritation and unease. "What the hell are you talking about, Pikachu?"

Denki's grin widened, undeterred by Bakugo's demeanor. "A follow-up dare, of course. You've got to go into a room and confess."

The room seemed to collectively hold its breath, the atmosphere pregnant with anticipation. Bakugo's frustration was palpable, his reluctance to comply clear.

Deku's POV

Without a word, katchan stood up and, before anyone could react, grabbed my arm and pulled me towards one of the private rooms. The door shut behind us, leaving the room in silence.

My heart raced as Bakugo's grip on my arm tightened, his expression a mix of frustration and determination. This wasn't how I had expected the night to unfold, yet here I was, alone with  katchan in a room that suddenly seemed too small.

Before I could utter a word, katchanturned to me, his eyes searching mine for something I couldn't quite decipher. "Listen up, Deku."

My breath caught in my throat, his intensity leaving me speechless as he continued to study me. Bakugo's fingers brushed against my cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle as he traced my jawline.

"Look," he began, his voice a mixture of exasperation and vulnerability. "I've been a fucking asshole to you for years. And it's not because I hate you, alright? It's because..."

He trailed off, his gaze shifting away as if grappling with his own words. I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest, unable to tear my eyes away from him.

katchan took a deep breath, his shoulders tense. "It's because I've got this damn crush on you, and I didn't know how to deal with it."

The words hung in the air, suspended between us like an unspoken truth finally laid bare. My mind reeled, struggling to process the weight of his confession. katchan had a crush on me?

"You... you what?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.

His gaze met mine once more, his expression a mix of frustration and something softer, something vulnerable. "I like you, okay? And it's been driving me insane."

Without warning, his lips crashed onto mine, fierce and demanding. The world seemed to fade away as the kiss deepened, a tumult of emotions coursing through me.

As the kiss ended, we pulled away, both of us panting, our eyes locked in a moment that felt like an eternity. I stared at him, my mind racing to catch up with the reality of what had just happened.

katchans  expression had softened, his vulnerability now impossible to ignore. "Deku, I... I'm sorry. For everything. I've been an idiot."

Tears welled up in my eyes, my emotions too overwhelming to contain. "katchan..."

Before I could say anything else, katchans's lips were on mine once more, his kiss gentle and tender, filled with an unspoken promise of something more.

Time seemed to blur around us as katchan's lips pressed against mine, the world outside the room fading away into insignificance. The kiss was a silent reassurance, a testament to the unspoken emotions that had lingered between us for so long.

As the kiss finally ended, we pulled away, our foreheads resting against each other's, our breaths mingling in the stillness of the room. The weight of years of misunderstanding and pent-up emotions had finally been lifted, leaving us in a vulnerable yet exhilarating state.

"Deku," katchans's voice was soft, raw, a stark contrast to his usual brash demeanor. "Izuku, I love you."

The words hung in the air, a confession that felt both surreal and utterly right. Tears streamed down my cheeks, a mixture of joy and relief overwhelming me.

"I love you too, Katsuki."

With those words, the floodgates of emotion burst open, our tears mingling as we held each other, the weight of the past giving way to the promise of a future we had never dared to imagine.

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