soft hugs

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As the game of truth or dare resumed, Sero's voice cut through the chatter. "Hey, Ochaco, truth or dare?"

Ochaco's gaze flickered to Sero, her expression a mix of curiosity and mild trepidation. "Dare."

Sero's grin was mischievous, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I dare you to kiss your crush."

A collective murmur swept through the room, a wave of anticipation filling the air. Ochaco's cheeks turned a bright shade of red as she hesitated, a mixture of embarrassment and excitement flickering in her eyes.

She turned her gaze to Tsuyu, their eyes meeting in a moment that held the promise of something more. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Ochaco began to move toward Tsuyu, her heart pounding in her chest.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Ochaco and Tsuyu's proximity grew. With a soft exhale, Ochaco closed the distance, pressing her lips to Tsuyu's in a tender kiss.

The room was filled with a mixture of hushed whispers and soft smiles, the atmosphere charged with a sense of awe. Ochaco's vulnerability in that moment was palpable, a testament to the courage it took to reveal her feelings.

As the kiss ended, both Ochaco and Tsuyu blushed, their eyes lingering on each other for a beat longer. But before Ochaco could pull away, Tsuyu surprised her by pulling her into a warm hug.

It was a gesture that held more meaning than words could convey—a reassurance that Ochaco's feelings were reciprocated, and a promise of the connection that had been forged between them.

The room erupted into a chorus of soft coos and approving nods, the shared moment of vulnerability deepening the sense of unity among the classmates.

sorry this part is short....

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