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Laughter and camaraderie continued to fill the room as the game progressed, the students finding comfort in each other's company. The once distinct lines that had separated them seemed to blur, replaced by a shared understanding and acceptance.

As the night deepened, a sense of unity prevailed, and the air hummed with an unspoken understanding that they were all in this together. The dormitory walls seemed to echo with the whispered secrets they had shared, a testament to the bonds they were forming.

Amid the revelry, Jiro's voice cut through the atmosphere. "Hey, everyone, I've got something to say."

The room fell into hushed anticipation as all eyes turned to Jiro. She took a deep breath, her expression a mix of resolve and vulnerability. "I've been quiet about this for a long time, but I want you all to know—I'm bisexual."

Silence hung in the air for a moment, as if everyone were processing Jiro's words. Then, Kirishima's voice broke through with a cheer, followed by supportive nods and smiles from the rest of the group.

Inspired by Jiro's courage, Deku spoke up next, his voice steady and unwavering. "I've always believed in being true to oneself. So, here goes—I'm also bisexual."

A wave of support and acceptance washed over Deku, his friends offering nods of understanding and encouragement.

Not wanting to be left behind, Tsuyu spoke up as well, her voice gentle but resolute. "I've never been one to hide, so I'll say it—I'm a lesbian."

Her declaration was met with a chorus of smiles and affirmations. The room felt like a haven, each revelation strengthening the bonds that held them all together.

Ochaco's voice joined the chorus, her tone reflective yet confident. "I've always believed that love knows no boundaries. So, I want to say that I identify as pansexual."

As Ochaco's words settled in the room, the feeling of unity deepened further. Their shared experiences and newfound openness had forged a connection that transcended differences.

The room seemed to pulse with a quiet power, each confession adding another layer to the tapestry they were weaving together. Walls crumbled, and hearts opened to the possibility of a future where acceptance and understanding prevailed.

The room was bathed in a soft glow as the night unfolded, each confession deepening the connection among the classmates. The echoes of their shared secrets seemed to resonate, forming an unbreakable thread that bound them together.

As the minutes ticked by, a sense of empowerment seemed to spread through the room. The space had transformed from one of mere camaraderie to a sanctuary where the truth was embraced, no matter how varied or complex.

Jiro's courage had sparked a chain reaction, and now, as Denki's voice trembled slightly, he stepped into the circle of honesty. "I guess it's my turn to speak up. I've known for a while, but I've been afraid to say anything. So, here goes—I'm gay."

The room fell into stunned silence, the weight of Denki's confession hanging in the air. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Denki continued, his voice steadier now. "I've... well, I've faked having a crush on Jiro. But the truth is, I actually like someone from Class 1-B. I like Shinso."

A collective gasp filled the room, a mixture of shock and surprise sweeping through the group. Denki's revelation was met with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

Mina's voice broke through the silence, a blend of curiosity and amusement in her tone. "Wait, you had us all fooled?"

Denki chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. But now that we're all sharing, I thought it was time."

The room seemed to hum with a newfound understanding. Denki's honesty was a testament to the growing bonds among the classmates. Their shared experiences had created an environment of acceptance that couldn't be ignored.

Jiro's expression softened as she spoke, a hint of relief in her voice. "Honestly, I'm kind of relieved. I was wondering why you were acting so weird around me."

Denki grinned, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him. "Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't mean to lead you on."

Mina chimed in with a playful smile. "Well, at least now you can focus on someone who actually likes you back."

The room erupted into laughter, the tension that had lingered earlier now replaced by a lighthearted atmosphere. Their camaraderie had deepened, and their shared moments of vulnerability had forged an unbreakable bond

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