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As Bakugo and I walked out of the room, a mixture of emotions swirled within me. The weight of Bakugo's confession and the kiss we had shared still lingered in the air between us, leaving me both elated and apprehensive about what the future held.

The rest of the class turned their attention towards us, curious and expectant expressions on their faces. Kerishima's playful grin was the first to break the silence. "So, you guys together now?"

Before I could even respond, Bakugo's voice cut through the air, fierce and possessive. "He's mine, got it? So you can all damn well deal with it, extras."

Laughter erupted from the group, the tension of the night giving way to a sense of camaraderie and relief. Bakugo's proclamation was met with amused chuckles and playful banter, a sign that our classmates were more than supportive of our newfound connection.

With a sheepish grin, I turned to Bakugo. "So, are we... boyfriends?"

Bakugo's trademark scowl softened, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Fuck yeah, nerd."

My heart swelled with happiness as I chuckled. It was a simple exchange, but it held a world of meaning for us.

The rest of the night was a blur of laughter, shared stories, and a few more rounds of games. We played a couple more rounds of Truth or Dare, albeit with a lighter and more relaxed atmosphere. As the night grew late, we settled down to sleep, the events of the evening still fresh in our minds.

Unbeknownst to us, our actions hadn't gone unnoticed. From the shadows, Mr. Aizawa, our ever-watchful teacher, had been observing the entire evening. His typically sleepy demeanor belied the sharp insight he possessed, and he watched with a faint smile as our class came together, bonding in unexpected ways.

As the night drew to a close and our classmates drifted off to sleep, Mr. Aizawa's voice was soft yet full of conviction. "Problem children, huh? Looks like this unconventional method worked out after all."

And so, as the night surrendered to dawn, our class slumbered on, blissfully unaware of the impact they had on each other. The bonds that had been formed that night were ones that would continue to grow and strengthen, proving that sometimes, it took a little push and a lot of honesty to bring even the most distant hearts together.

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