the game continuse

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Kirishima's mischievous grin was directed at Deku. "Alright, Deku, your turn. Truth or dare?"

Deku felt the collective gaze on him and met Kirishima's eyes with determination. "Dare."

Kirishima's grin widened, a glint of mischief evident. "I dare you to imitate something that your crush does randomly."

Amusement and curiosity spread through the room as Deku contemplated the challenge. His heart raced as he considered how to complete the dare while keeping his closely guarded secret intact.

An idea sparked, and a playful smirk tugged at Deku's lips. He stood from his spot on the couch and walked over to an armchair. With a purposeful motion, he seated himself in the chair, his posture mimicking something he had often seen Katchan do.

Laughter and questions filled the air. "What's he doing?" "Is that how Katchan sits? he asked him self " "That's hilarious!"

Deku maintained his composed expression, a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through him. After a moment, he stood from the armchair, turned his head back to the group with a grin, and returned to his original seat on the couch, adopting a more conventional posture.

Laughter and confusion continued to ripple through the room, the group thoroughly entertained by Deku's creative approach to the dare.

Bakugo, his eyebrow raised, finally voiced his curiosity. "What the hell was that?"bakugo asked in confution

Deku shrugged, his  smile unwavering. "Just something random, you know."

Kirishima chuckled, pleased with Deku's interpretation of the dare even though he wasent sure of who it was . "Well, that was definitely unique."everyone was confused and did not know dekus crush but it was funny to watch.

As the laughter subsided, Deku shifted his focus to Mina, whose turn had come. "Alright, Mina, truth or dare?"

Mina's eyes sparkled mischievously as she announced, "Truth!"

Deku's grin widened, relieved to be out of the spotlight for the moment. "Alright, Mina, let's hear the truth. Have you ever dyed your hair?"

Mina's cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink as the room erupted into curious questions. "What's the answer?" "Tell us, Mina!"

Mina's laughter bubbled forth as she replied, "Nope, my hair color is au naturel!"

As the game continued, the classmates grew closer, secrets were gradually unveiled, and the dormitory was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a sense of unity that transcended their individual differences.

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