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The day of the sleepover had arrived, and the U.A. dormitories were a hive of activity. The common room had been transformed into a makeshift slumber party paradise, with blankets and pillows strewn across the floor. As students from both squads worked together to arrange sleeping bags and hang fairy lights, the air was filled with a mix of excitement and nervous energy.

Katsuki Bakugo stood near the window, his usually determined expression marred by a subtle layer of anxiety. In the solitude of his thoughts, he wrestled with a secret he had guarded for years—a secret that had grown to be as much a part of him as his explosive quirk.

(bakugoes pov)

Bakugo's heart pounded in his chest, his fingers involuntarily twitching as he replayed memories of a certain green-haired classmate. He had long kept his feelings locked away, buried beneath layers of pride and rivalry.

But now, as the prospect of a night filled with camaraderie and vulnerability loomed, Bakugo's resolve began to waver. He could no longer ignore the truth—he was drawn to Izuku Midoriya in a way that transcended their rivalry. He admired Izuku's tenacity, his resilience, and the way he inspired those around him.

The notion of sharing his feelings was terrifying. The fear of rejection, of being seen as weak, had kept him silent. But tonight, surrounded by his classmates, he couldn't shake the thought that the truth might finally come to light.

He tore his gaze away from the window, clenching his fists in an attempt to steady his nerves. The sleepover preparations were a welcome distraction, a way to channel his energy and momentarily forget the emotional turmoil within.

(3erd pov)

As Bakugo busied himself with arranging pillows and making sure everything was perfect, a sudden commotion caught his attention. Mina Ashido, known for her lively and exuberant nature, was climbing a ladder to adjust a string of decorative lights. However, in a moment of misfortune, the ladder wobbled precariously, and Mina let out a startled squeak.

The room seemed to hold its breath as the ladder teetered, and then, like a hero in the nick of time, Eijiro Kirishima sprang into action. With a swift movement, he lunged forward and caught Mina just before disaster struck, his strong arms encircling her and preventing her from falling.

The gasps and hushed whispers that followed were drowned out by the thudding of Bakugo's heart. His eyes were fixed on the scene before him, an inexplicable knot forming in his stomach. For a brief moment, time seemed to slow as he watched Kirishima hold Mina securely, their faces mere inches apart.

As Kirishima gently helped Mina regain her balance, their eyes met, and a shared moment of vulnerability passed between them. Bakugo's brow furrowed, a mix of emotions churning within him. The sight of them together—a testament to trust and camaraderie—stirred something within him that he couldn't quite define.

Mina's nervous giggle cut through the charged atmosphere, breaking the spell. "Phew, that was close! Thanks, Red Riot!"

Kirishima chuckled, a faint blush dusting his cheeks as he grinned down at Mina. "No problem, Alien Queen. Just doing my hero thing."

Bakugo's gaze flicked away, a mixture of amusement and exasperation playing across his features. The scene was a reminder of the complexity of their class dynamics—a mix of camaraderie, rivalry, and friendships that ran deeper than anyone might have expected.

After the ladder incident, an awkward silence settled over the room. The air was thick with unspoken thoughts, and Bakugo's internal struggle continued to smolder beneath the surface. As the classmates exchanged uncertain glances, the anticipation for the night ahead grew palpable.

Mina, ever the master of breaking tension, finally seized the opportunity to shatter the silence. "Hey, should we do something to pass the time? Like play a game or something?"

Her suggestion was met with nods, murmurs of agreement, and a collective exhale of relief. The atmosphere began to ease as the students contemplated the idea of bonding through games and shared experiences.

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