the game

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The dormitory common room was adorned with twinkling fairy lights, casting a warm glow that set the stage for the impending night of bonding and shared experiences. Pillows were carefully arranged, sleeping bags laid out, and the room buzzed with a mixture of excitement and butterflies.

As the students claimed their spots and settled in, Shoto Todoroki's characteristic monotone voice sliced through the air. "Why not play truth or dare?"

The suggestion hung in the room, momentarily silencing the chatter. Todoroki's logical approach often brought simplicity to complex decisions.

Whispers and sidelong glances were exchanged, the idea gaining momentum bit by bit. Bakugo, his brows furrowing, grumbled, "No damn way am I playing that idiotic game."

Mina, rolling her eyes with an exaggerated sigh, chimed in, "Oh, come on, baukbro! Lighten up a bit! It'll be fun, I promise."

Despite Bakugo's resistance, the rest of the group joined in to convince him. And after some groans and a begrudging nod, Bakugo gave in. "Fine, but only 'cause you won't shut your traps about it."

With a begrudging consensus in place, the students formed a circle, their excitement growing as they anticipated the fun and challenges the game would bring.

Sero decided to go first and chose truth. Easy, light-hearted questions began to flow, acting as icebreakers to ease the tension in the room.

Jiro, famous for her quick wit and ready responses, went for truth as well. Her answers ranged from amusing stories to insightful introspections, revealing more layers to her persona.

When it was Ochaco's turn, she opted for a dare, mischief dancing in her eyes. Her task was to mimic bakugoes's signature explosion pose, eliciting laughter and applause from the group.

Then, it was Kirishima's turn. He wore a playful grin that added a twist to his usually earnest expression as he declared, "I dare you to hug the person you like."

The room brimmed with surprise and intrigue at Kirishima's request. All eyes were on him as he contemplated his choice. His gaze settled on Mina, and without a moment's hesitation, he scooted closer and enfolded her in a warm embrace.

The room filled with laughter, applause, and good-natured teasing. Even Mina, known for her boundless energy, felt her cheeks tinge with a delicate shade of pink.

The game continued, each turn peeling back another layer of the students' personalities. Yet as the circle drew closer to Deku, a shift began to occur.

Kerishima's gaze landed on Deku, his grin playful. "Alright, Deku, truth or dare?"

The room's attention shifted to the green-haired boy, his usually bright eyes tinged with uncertainty. Internally, his heart raced as he contemplated the significance of his decision.

Deku's POV

This was the moment I'd been dreading. Truth or dare—a game that had the potential to expose feelings I'd kept hidden. Feelings that I'd held onto for so long.

Truth or dare. A simple choice that carried weight. Picking truth meant revealing my emotions, admitting my crush on Katchan. A truth I wasn't prepared to share, especially without knowing how he'd react.

But then, there was dare

3erd POV

—a chance to divert attention, to avoid the vulnerability of exposing my heart. And so, I chose dare, hoping to delay the inevitable.

Deku's voice was steady, his eyes resolute. "I choose dare."

A murmur of curiosity spread through the room. The game had reached a pivotal point—a choice that could lead to revelations and unexpected discoveries.

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