Chapter 5

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Stevie's POV



Yes, I'm working but there's nobody babysitting me today, for the first time in weeks.

No Eddie, no Steve or Dustin.

Just me.

"George! Look what they have!" I hear a sweet voice exclaim happily and I spin around on my heels to see where it came from.

"My love, we already have that one." George tells his wife as she picks up a Sting album.

"Stevie, dear, where's that boy with the hair?"

"Steve's not here today, I'm afraid. I can help you pick out a record though, if you'd like." I tell Estie, smiling to myself at the nickname she's given Steve.

"If you could!"

"What are we feeling today? Rock? Pop? Jazz?"

"Rock." George grins.
"Jazz." Estie giggles.

"How about this?" I laugh, playing them Gaucho by Steely Dan on the in store record player. I watch them both nod their head along with the beat.

"What do we think?"

"We'll take it."

I smile and nod, looking for a sealed version of the record when I hear the bell above the door ring, signalling that someone's just enter red the store.

"Give me two seconds! I'll be right with you." I shout to whoever just walked in and my blood runs cold when they answer.

"I'd wait for you all year, sweetheart."

Oh fuck no.

I keep my composure as I package up the record for Estie and George, taking their payment with a fake smile plastered onto my lips. "Come back soon you two."

"You know we will." Estie teases, pulling her husband away and out of the store while my entire being wishes they'd stayed.

"No hug for your boyfriend, Stephanie?" Billy asks, a feux pout on his face as he circles me like a vulture. "Not even a hello?"

"You're not my boyfriend, billy." I mumble, keeping my head down as I tap on the desk with my nails. "Not anymore."

"Oh, but I am? We didn't break up, or did you forget that?" He says, resting both hands close to mine which makes me pull mine back.

"It's been years. You left without a word, we broke up." I state, my voice void of any emotion.

He shakes his head and tilts my head up with his fingers. "I would never leave my girl."

"Y-you need to leave." I stutter, trying to pull away from him but my body's frozen stiff.

"You don't want me to leave, do you?"
I nod and regret my decision to do so, once I see the look in his eyes.

"I'm happy, Billy." I tell him softly, hoping that he'll just leave me alone but I should know better.

"Good for you." He shrugs, letting go of my chin and playing with the leaflets in the desk infront of him. "I'm not. But I will be."

"Good, I hope one day you will be." I tell him, not so honestly and he nods, looking back at me.

"Once I get you back." He smirks, looking over at me. "Did you forget? All those times I told you that were mine and mine only? Because I didn't. This Munson guy won't want you for long, deep down you know he won't. I'm the only one that would stick around."

"That's not true." I shake my head firmly.

It's not true.
Eddie loves me.

"Your dad didn't even want you. Your mom is never home, Dustin would rather play some shitty game with his little friends and Steve? He knows he can't fuck you, so he never bothers with you anymore." Billy says, the tone of his voice soft while his words are sharp as knives.

"That's not true. He's with me all the time."

"Let me guess. When Munson's not around?" He asks and I shrug, what does that have to do with anything?

"Well, the-" I try to tell him that Steve and Eddie don't get along very well but he cuts me off.

"He knows he can't try to fuck you when your 'boyfriend' is around. They only think good for one thing, Stephanie and you know it." He says lowly, putting air quotes around the word boyfriend and moving my hair behind my ear while glaring down at me. "But me? I know you're worth so much more. I also know that you're better off with me than you ever will be with any of these guys."

I shake my head, and snatch my head away from him while taking a step back, tears threatening to fall but I refuse to allow them.

Not anymore.

"You should take what I say into consideration, baby. Who knows what'll happen to those boys if they stick around."

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