Chapter 11

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Stevie's POV

A son.

My boyfriend has a son.


That's not exactly something you expect to hear whilst having a few drinks at the local dive bar, is it?

You expect to hear about the local barber's affair, or Ash's recent fling and sometimes even Colts current favourite conspiracy theories.

Not Eddie Munson being a father.

Now I don't hate children, I love them but I'm being selfish here in saying that this could ruin the only relationship I have ever been happy in.

The relationship with the man I see my entire future with, but now he has the one thing I can never give him.

A child.

He doesn't know that I can't conceive, not that I don't want him to know, it's just never come up because kids and future has never crossed our minds.

That's what endometriosis does to you, I guess. When you're told at age 16 that you can't have children, you kinda just start picturing a future with children in it.

But it doesn't stop you from wanting them, especially with the man you love.

"I'll fucking kill him! A kid?! The guy has a fucking kid and failed to-"

"Steve. Drop it. Now is not the time."
Robin scolds as she glared at Steve who's currently galavanting around the music store with his heavy, angry footsteps.

"A kid, Robin! He has a kid!"

"Yes. Thank you so much for the
information that we already know." She scowls, "Can you not see that Stevie is in the midst of a breakdown?" She somehow whispers but still shouts at him and I shake my head with a small laugh.

"I'm fine."

A lie.


"Steve." I warn and he nods immediately.

"Right, sorry."

"Where is Eddie anyway?" Robin asks, saying his name as if he's the devil.

"He's at his place with the kid and his mom." I feel sick when I say 'the kid' and not because I'm bitter, I just can't bring myself to admit to myself that Eddie has a child.

"And you're cool with that?"

"Yes? Why wouldn't I be." I shrug while doing inventory as my two best friends stand around and bicker.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because she wants to fuck him?" Robin says, looking at me as if I'm stupid.

"So? If anything happens between them, then me and Eddie go out separate ways." I say, "It's as simple as that really but Eddie loves me and I trust him with every inch of my being."

"Okay now I feel sick." Steve gags dramatically, making me and Robin both laugh.

"Why? Because she's in love and you aren't?" Robin teases and Steve holds his chest for dramatics.

"How do you know I'm not in love?" He says and me and Robin both look at him with raised eyebrows before laughing. "Okay fine I'm not but I could have been."

"You fall in love every day, Harrington." Robin chuckles, passing me a taped up box. "These are the CDs." She tells me and I nod, writing 'ROCK' on the side of the box.

I've started packing up the place, Alex's orders.

It's breaking my heart seeing the place slowly getting emptier and emptier by the day.

"Service please, Darlin." A voice sounds out and it's no shock to me when I see who it is.

During all of this baby drama, I almost forgot he was even here.

"What d'ya need help with, sugar?" Steve glares at Billy, his hands resting on the counter as he pushes me out of the way.

"Thanks man." I mumble to Steve and he nods, still glaring at Billy.

I can handle myself but today, I really don't want to.

"I'm gonna close up early, I don't feel too hot." I state, already grabbing the store keys and taking my work shirt off, luckily wearing a tank top underneath.

"Could've fooled me." Billy says and I can hear the smirk on his lips, as he whistles lowly.

"Please Billy. Not today, you can bug me tomorrow but just please not today." I sigh and see a faint smirk on his lips as he nods.

"See you tomorrow, baby." He winks and leaves without another word.

"That was the dumbest thing I have ever said." I say with little to no emotion in my voice as I realise I just told Billy he can come see me tomorrow and basically just threw permission at him.

"Yep." Steve agrees.

"Stevie...can we be real here?" Robin asks as I lock the front door and put the keys in my bag.

"I guess."

"What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know man...I want him to be a part of his kids life, I really do. I just can't help but be jealous that his first child isn't mine." I admit, knowing how he feels about his own relationship with his father and how he's always wanted to be better for his own child one day.

And all of a sudden, that day has come.

"I thought you couldn't-"

"I can't." I say as robotic as I can, to throw them off the scent of pure heartache and envy. "That's why I'm conflicted, I can't give him a family and now he has one and I don't know what to do."

"Do you love him?" She asks and I laugh, stupid question.

"Of course I do, more than anything." I smile as I think of him and his stupid DnD obsession, his insane hair and those dumb brown eyes.

"And we know he loves you."

I nod.

"You guys will be fine, I'm sure of it. But you gotta talk to him and he honest, none of this 'I'm okay!' bullshit." Steve puts his two cents in, "This isn't one of those little things that you guys may have a disagreement over, this is a human being."

"I know...I'll talk to him later, she's supposed to be leaving his place at six." I promise, knowing that we do really need to talk about this.

It's just a little bit life changing.

"Why don't you talk to the both of them? You're also a part of this kids life now." Steve says and Robin elbows him in the ribs, the man letting out a groan.

"I think I'd kill her if I was in the same room with her for longer than ten minutes." I admit, I can't stand the girl. She's been all over him since she got here, knowing full well that he's not into it.

"I thought you were fine with it?"

"I am." I nod, "Fine with the kid, not the kids mother who's actively trying to screw my boyfriend."


"His sons done nothing wrong." I state, using the word 'son' when addressing the new found child, for the very first time since we all found out.

It's been a week.

"You called him his son..."

"I know."

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