Chapter 1

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By the way the characters in this fanfiction I did not make the art/drawings in this fanfiction!

Raditz woke up by the slight sense of warmth hugging his eyelids. "Ugh.. why didn't I actually try in school last year! Now I have to re-take classes" Raditz whined to himself before getting up from his bed and slowly walking over to the bathroom that was in his room. "Hey gorgeous." Raditz said to himself when he saw his reflection in the mirror.

God I'm so glad I didn't get dads genes, don't wanna end up like kakarot now do you Raditz? Raditz thought himself as he grinned. He grabbed his favourite brush and started carefully brushing each individual spike on the long bed of black hair on his head while putting his favourite scented detangler cream which smelled like vanilla on his beautiful black locks.

Putting down the brush and checking his hair in the mirror he opened the bottom cabinets and grabbed a green tea jelly face mask and placed it on his glowing skin that was shining so bright it could burn your eyes.

After placing the mask on his face he walks out of his bathroom and towards his closet where he picked out his most finest pieces of clothing because it was the first day of school after summer break.

It would've been his last first day of school last year but since he decided not to pay attention in class or do any of his homework he failed all his classes and had to retake most of them. Well who am I kidding all of them.

He put on his outfit of choice which was a pair of dark blue baggy jeans with a black Gucci belt he saved up for a few years back and a navy blue hoody that had the name Raditz painted on it.

Obviously he painted it but didn't tell anyone that because for some reason he though it was embarrassing. He felt his skin tingling which meant it was time to take of the mask he slowly peeled of the mask and threw it in the trash he had under his desk.

Raditz walked out of his room and opened his brother Goku's room which was actually named Kakarot but his friends called him Goku.

"Get up Dingus school time-" Raditz stood there with his jaw dropped. Goku was starring back at him confused "What?" Goku asked. "What the fuck are your wearing!?" Raditz asked Goku dumbfounded.

"My school clothes duh?" Goku replied. Goku was wearing a bright red shirt that said cool kid on it with black shorts with the Jordan logo on it and brown sandals. Raditz knew his brother had bad style in clothing but not that bad.

"Fuck Kakarot you look horrendous and you smell horrendous too!" Goku laughed nervously "I forgot to wash my clothes yesterday so I had to come up with something last minute." Raditz face scrunched up. "So you come up with this monstrosity?"

"Hey, I mean it's not as bad as the outfit I wore to moms birthday party." Goku said trying to defend himself. "You're right it's worse, anyways come downstairs in five minutes or you'll be walking to school."

And after that he shut the door and walked downstairs to be greeted by his mother Gine making breakfast for 3 hungry saiyans not including herself.

"Goodmorning Raditz sweetie how was your sleep?" Gine asked Her first born son "Great actually." Raditz Replied to his mother

She smiled "That sounds great, anyways breakfast will be done in a second. By the way honey could you check if your brother is awake?" "Already did and he's wearing such and ugly outfit." Raditz said basically snorting as he walked up to his mother. "By the way mom do you have any hair ties? I'm gonna tie my hair up today."

"Yup, if you look in my room, on my night stand you'll see a few take which ever one you want" Raditz walked over to his mothers and fathers room and opened the door.

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