Chapter 4

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"Bulma huh? That's a weird name" Vegeta remarked. "Says the guy with the name Vegeta" Bulma replied.

"Well guess what woman it's an Elite Saiyan name unlike your stupid name Bulma" Vegeta said her name in a high pitched voice trying to mock her.


"Well Vegetable! Bulma is also a very unique and beautiful Human name!" Bulma said doing the same thing Vegeta did to her.

"God they act just like each other" Turles said with a 'what the fuck voice'

"I know right? It's kind of cute tho they'd be such an excellent couple!" Chichi exclaimed.

Chichi and Bulma were both into the same things such as Books, Movies and sweet things but the thing they were both obsessed with was Romance. Romance books, Movies, poems, art basically anything.

Difference is that Bulmas been in a relationship before and chichi hasn't, but chichi has always had an eye for someone and that was Goku.

She had liked Goku since they first met which was in the first grade.

Flash back..

Chichi was sitting under the big willow trees shade to hide from the sunlight that burned her soft pale skin if she was in it for too long.

She was reading a book but not just any book, her favourite book she was so invested in reading it until some mean girl took it away from her.

It was Kate. Kate was a mean little spoiled girl with red hair and green eyes. She didn't like how Chichi looked because She thought she looked weird.

Well not because of that She didn't like the way Chichi looked because Chichi was prettier then her and she hated that.

"What are you reading nerd?" Kate said while holding Chichis favourite book in her hand.

"That's non of you're business Kate!" Chichi replied trying to snatch back her favourite book but ended up falling onto the ground because Kate moved out of the way before Chichi could even put her hands on her.

Kate laughed. "Wow you're so rude Chichi-" Kate was cut off by someone.

It was some little boy with black spikey hair coming from both ends of his head and a brown fuzzy belt like thing wrapped around his waist.

"Leave her alone meanie!" The boy with black hair said to Kate.

"And who are you!?" Kate replied

"I am Goku and my older brother said to always be nice to a girl so leave her alone!" The boy now identified as "Goku"

"And what if I don't?"

"I'll push you!"

"Didn't you're brother say not to be mean to girls?" Kate asked Goku

"Wait..? You're a girl you look like a boy!" Goku said in surprise. "W-what!" Kate started to tear up she couldn't believe some little boy thought she was a guy.

Kate dropped Chichis book and ran away crying. Goku extended a hand out to Chichi who was on the ground.

"Are you ok.. uh?"

"Chichi!" Chichi said as she lightly blushed at the sight of the little boy rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand.

"Chichi! I like that name."

Chichi blushed even harder and took his hand. He pulled her up with no effort at all.

"T-thank you I like you're name too Goku!"

Goku smiled. "Hey you're new aren't you?" Chichi shook her head yes.

"Well I can introduce you to some of my friends come on!" Goku said as he grabbed Chichis hand and pulled her lightly.

At that moment Chichi realized she liked Goku and will for a long time...

Flash back end..

"Yeah If they dated, Vegeta wouldn't be at her throat but at mine!" Raditz said looking worried.

"I forgot how much he used to bully you" Turles said while giggling a bit.

"And I forgot how much I used to hate you" Raditz said as he crossed his arms.

"God you're so sensitive" Turles said rolling his eyes in the process.

"I am not sensitive!?!"

"Are you sure?" Eight-teen said with a 'Mk buddy' look on her face.

"Ugh you guys are just jealous!" Raditz flipping his hair to the right.

Eight-teen and Turles burst out laughing while Bulma and Vegeta are still heard fighting about names and random stuff about themselves.

"Ok Bulma I didn't ask for you're name history did I, Woman?!" Vegeta said annoyed

"Well Mister I am prince of all Saiyans and I am a short little man with an ego taller then Raditz, I didn't ask for yours either!"

"Sorry Bulma the spoiled little blue haired bitch that thinks she's the boss of everyone!"

"I am not a bitch!?!"

"Oh yes you are Woman!"

"No I'm not you're shortness!"

"UGH! I CAN'T STAND YOU! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS LIKE THAT!" Vegeta said while stomping away from the table where everyone sat and out of the cafeteria.

Vegetas stomping down the school hall way until he bumps into someone he couldn't care less about whoever the fuck he just bumped into he just kept walking.

"Ow that hurt jerk!" Maron said on the ground while rubbing her head.

"Well I don't really care girl!" Vegeta said not turning around.

"You would of atleast say sorry!" Maron replied.

Vegeta replied with a scoff but stopped dead in his track when he heard a familiar voice.

"She said Apologize!" A voice that sounded like tarbles but was more bold and deeper.

Vegeta turned around to see a short boy about the same age as him and the same height as krillin with light spikey light blue hair almost like his but with bangs and light blue eyes, he was wearing a black tank-top with a light blue jacket and black pants he also had a tail but the tail was the same color as his tail and he had a blue scouter.

"What did you say to me peasant?" Vegeta said while he looked down at the two.

"Prince Vegeta?" The blue haired Saiyan replied.

"Yes I'm Prince vegeta? Got a problem!?"

"Yes I do actually! Apologize to Maron."

HEY GUYS!! Credits to SaiyanShortStack  
for oc!  And sorry for another short chapter I just have a lot going on! Please tell me what you think and thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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