Chapter 2

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Last time on high school sucks: dragon ball z au..

"Of course you got it from turles that stupid purple looking motherfucker" Raditz said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyways monkey where here, come on let's go"

"You know you're a monkey too right Raditz?" Goku asked "Yeah definitely couldn't tell. How did you even pass last year and I didn't?"


Raditz unlocks the car doors and opens it. Quickly getting out of the car he turns to his right to see Goku still in the car rambling through his backpack trying to find something.

"What are you even looking for Kakarot?" Raditz asked curiously, his left eyebrow raising due to curiosity. "I'm trying to find my phone, I think I left it at home!" Goku said in worried tone still rambling through his backpack like a wild animal.

"You can find you phone later just get the fuck out of my car" "But I need to text my friends I'm here so we can meet at the front of the school!" "Don't worry about those sad virgins Kakarot you can find them later I just wanna go meet turles so we can find what girls were going to date this year" said the older Saiyan with long hair.

"Ok I guess I'll find them myself" Goku said basically jumping out of his older brothers car and running towards the school. "Ugh, wait up dumbass" Raditz screaming running after his younger brother.


After a few minutes of searching Goku finally finds his friends "Hey guys!" Goku says waving at his friends Bulma, ChiChi, Krillin and 18 "Hey Goku! Who's that behind you?" Bulma asked Goku while staring at the handsome tall man that she assumed was somewhere around 6'3-6'4 with such beautiful long black silky hair that reached the back of his knees and a strong and toned build with a furry brown thing that looked like a belt around his waist.

(Oops I forgot to tell you guys, Raditz recently transferred to Gokus school after failing his classes last year. He felt so embarrassed to even go back to the same school he failed at so he went to the same school turles was going to and it sadly ended up being the same school goku goes too.)

Back to the story

"Oh him! He's my older brother Raditz! He's a year older then me but he'll be in the same grade as me because he failed his classes last year!" Goku said pointing to his older brother.

"You little bitch! I told you not to tell anyone that!" Raditz basically screamed. "Anyways sorry for that I'm Raditz nice to meet you guys!" "Oh that's ok I'm Chichi and the girl with blue hair is my best friend bulma, The girl with blonde hair is my  other best friend Eden but she likes to be called Eight-teen and the boy beside her is her boyfriend and our friend Krillin!" Chichi introduced her friends to the tall Saiyan behind Goku.

"Hi Raditz" Everyone but Chichi, Goku and Raditz himself said. "So what brings you here Raditz? Why'd you decide to change schools?" Krillin asked curiously.

"Oh I was just really embarrassed that I failed all my classes so I decided to switch schools but that's only a little bit of the reason. I actually changed schools to be with my best friend Turles!"

"Turles!? You mean that dude!" Krillin said pointing at the ravishing tan man with hair like Goku but a bit littler and purple eyes that remind you of the crystal amethyst, he was also a bit taller then Goku he was around 5'11 with quite the same build as Raditz but a little less toned and with the same furry brown belt around his waist.

"Yeah him? How do you know how he looks like?" Raditz asked. "How do I know him?! He basically dated all of the female population of this school except bulma, chichi and 18 and he's a menace he  pulls pranks on the teachers and bullies people into doing his work!"

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