June 10

15 1 0


How is chu? (Good or nah idk yall but I would LOVE to!!) Well guess what I did (What?) Awe thanks for caring mystery reader! Well... (Are you gonna say it or nah?) ok, um... I made cupcakes!
THEY WAS GOOD!! (They were good*) gosh I'm sorry! I shall speak correctly! Maybe... Idk I'm quite a rebel. *smirks and moves to lean on something that isn't there and trips* um *cough* Heyyy
(Lmao!) Hey! Watch yo language! (Sorry! Lol) it's 'ight, love! Haha!
DID YALL DO MY CHALLENGE!!! Cuz I did! Jk I didn't I lied. (Tsk tsk tsk!) oh Shush! AnyHOO! -Haha did that for Aj!

Ok guys It seems I just can't update today! I can't type I shaky! So GUYSSSS I was chilling on Quotev! Yes I got a Quotev! I've had one before I had a Wattpad! And we'll I'm getting real bored so I'm scrolling through some random guys profile cuz idk he is my age and is not bad looking. So I'm scrolling through his page liking some of his old stuff. Just being stalkerish like I am. So I continue stuff, and post stuff on my page. After that I am reading a story and I get a comment on my profile. It was from him and he goes
"Hey may I ask what brought you to look at all my OLD stuff? Oh btw my name is James."
Here was the rest of our convo~
"Oh sorry, love! I'm Aj! I was being a stalker! My bad!"
"Oh It's alright, beautiful. I don't mind!"
"Awesome and thanks for the comp! I'm blushing like an idiot right now!"
"You could never be an idiot!! Thanks for stalking me by the way!"
"Haha my pleasure! It was nice meeting you!"
"Aw! Are you gonna leave me already :("
By then I was dead!
"Haha I will stay! Sooo... Gosh I look like a weirdo smiling at my phone!"
"Aw! Am I making you smile, gorgeous? ;)"
"Aweeee so sweet!"
"I'm not sweet! I'm just talking to a lovely girl!"
We continued to have a convo and I about blushed thirty million times! So yeah!
Ok don't judge me!
Ok new challenge for the day!
Leave your name and favorite color!!!
Thanks a billion!!!
I love yall
Like crazy
For real
I need
Five more words

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