June 9 (fir sure)

21 2 0

Hey y'all, its AJL
SORRY I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been traveling and I've been sick and I've also been really busy with other stuff and I've also been really lazy soooo....
Long story short here I am.
Anyway I know I haven't updated in a while and never told you about six flags and stuff but I'm really only gonna tell you if you wanna know so....
I'm gonna give you a couple things to choose from and I'll do a full update about one of them
1)six flags and rangers game
2) zoo and ultimate frisbee
3) you choose an interesting topic and I will do an entire update on it
(There is a number four update choice farther down too)
Soooo YA
Today I was having a Peter Pan day which consisted of watching the mini series Neverland, watching finding neverland, and reading the original Peter Pan book by the incredible J M Barrie. Then I went on to give my services playing games with the kids at my churches VBS. Whoop whoop.
While there I met a fetching young lad who goes by the name of Austin. He seems pretty nice. Oh YA
I'll update about that too

4) Austin (the person)

So anyhoo
Wait hold on I must now share my strong hatred of autocorrect. I'm tryna type anyhoo, but it corrects to anyhow. Who says that seriously. I'll tell you who says that, the boring anyhowers.
AnyHOO I don't really know
I mean I've been thinking A LOT about JM Barrie and his work. I have SO many questions for him, and it sucks cus' he's dead and all.
Like "why should there have been a fourth night light?"
"What do you think Peter represents in the human mind?"
You guys I have never read a book that makes me think as much as this one does and that's saying a lot.
Barrie does a fantastic job of making the extraordinary, ordinary and doing in such a way that it bends your view of reality ever so slightly that it allows your most complex yet beautiful childlike thoughts through. It MAKES you think like a child again. Because unless you do there is no way you could ever understand what he is saying. Honestly I think his book was written for only very special people to understand. I'm not saying I'm one of those very special people I'm just saying I'm willing to try.

Ok back to reality
Sorry I went into deep thinking author mode. Sorry about that. That was probably kinda boring to read. I do that sometimes.
Well ima sign out now cus it's late.
Comment what you want me to update and let me know if your a book fan or a Peter Pan fan or a Peter Pan book fan
Tell us what you think
Ask for advice
All dat crap
Luv YA

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