July 5

13 0 0


Okay, in all honesty I haven't updated because I was super depressed. Well, not really depressed depressed, but I didn't feel like updating because I didn't wanna say I was in Orlando on Disney's compound and, not going to Disney. Now however, my friends that has changed. My cousin and I  have strategically talked my grandparents into taking us to Magic Kingdom. Only the most magical and beautiful of all the Disney parks!!!!!! We simply used the secret weapon that everyone knows works from spies to pick pockets it is used to get of any situation and into any spectacular theme park.......an adorable child. That's right everyone. As soon as my incredibly adorable 3 year old cousin mentioned to us that she wanted to go to Disney World we realized that we a much more powerful force than subtle hints and begging we had a little kid. She asked if we could go to Disney World and we agreed and the conversation flourished. WOOP WOOP!!!!!!! 

Okay, Let me lay it out for ya we flew in Friday and then we went to the resort and then we went swimming and then we slept.

Then we woke up and then and went swimming and then went to Downtown Disney and then we watched liked 100 firework displays at once. It was cool. 

Today we woke up and went swimming and watched movies and convinced my grandparents to take us to Disney.

Who knows what else this week hold besides swimming and a lot of code reds (cute guys).

SOOOOO.......YA......I don't even know. I really don't have much else to say.





tell us what you think

as for advice 

all dat crap

wuv ya <3


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