Later on June 1

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Well, here goes nothin. Its AJ here an as my best friend so wonderfully added summer has officially begun, and how do you suspect I spent my first day of effortless freedom? The only way of course.... by sleeping in until noon.

I must admit waking up and going straight to my grandmas (not old scratchy) porch couch and breaking out my guitar was quite the way to spend my morning/afternoon. Of course around the time of my struggle through Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope I was greeted by the sound of my phone blaring my facetime ringtone. I was then greeted by the ugly (jk) face of my best friend who's sopping hair was plastered to her face.

long story short I was ordered by her little brother to come over sooo... I did.

Now before I change the topic I would like to add that ia m NOT mean. Its not my fault I know more about her and she cant pass the idiot test (love ya AJ).

Now topic change: I shall now enlighten you in my plans for the next week. I'm going to wait for it ..... drum roll please..... six flags. I wish I could say Europe or something, but hey I've never been there and I'm going with a whole bunch of my friends so it wont be too bad. I gotta tell you I'm an extreme roller coaster junky so I'm actually really excited, but we did have some concerns last week, ya know seeing as six flags was under water not to long ago, but the trip must go on. Six Get ready you ain't seen nothin yet. Sadly the other one (AJ) will not be accompanying me on my roller coaster adventure, and that's not even the worst part either. As I pointed out earlier I do NOT do waking up early..... like at all, so you can only imagine my thoughts when they told us we were waking up at 5:45 am!!! 5 frickin 45 AM!!!
That's not human people, who does that?!??! Just wake me up, hand me a double shot espresso, and don't talk to me! Can you imagine waking up before the universal alarm clock and risking a run with morning people ...DUN DUN DUN.
Anyhoo ima sign out now cus I'm reallllly tired soon
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Bye bye luv ya

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