June 1st

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It is officially the first day of summer. The days started with sleeping in, of course. I mean who doesn't sleep in? Unless you're my Grandma, then you still have your alarm set for 6 a.m. I mean really Grams?!

Ok enough of that. I tend to blab as you can se- was that a squirrel?! I mean um... I then woke up to a list of chores! Chores! On the first day of summer!! Can you believe it?! I had to vacuum the ENTIRE house! I also was given the tedious task of emptying the top part of the dishwasher. Just the top part! Who does that?! My parents obviously! Don't forget the last one... SHOWER. Like I wouldn't shower already! I am old enough to shower without being told. You see my parents don't seem to realize I don't need to be told to shower. Anyyyyyyways...

When my parents got home from work I spent my boring ol' time listening to music and shooting hoops. I'm quite a shot I might add... ;)

There was only thing I needed at that point. CANDYYY! I mean... A friend. A best friend to be exact. I needed Aj. So I contacted her the best way I could... FaceTime! She answered almost immediately and I got to work. On the phone it seemed like my best friends Grandma was ushering her out of the house. Convincing her it was absolutely amazing to go to my place. So she did. And let me tell you... She is mean. Ok, ok, you got me. But when you get water dumped on your head and sprayed when you don't answer a question right on the stupid Idiot Test you will think someone is mean. The questions were SO stupid! But every time I complained I got 'it's called the Idiot Test for a reason, Aj!'.

~ If there are 3 apples and you take 2 how many do you have?


I mean really try getting that right while under the pressure of a water hose. It is not that easy!!! I promise!! Pshh, now Aj is gonna read that and text me a bunch of crap about the idiot test or whatever. Well, Anyway... Wow I tend to elaborate a lot on one simple topic...

Well, soon after that we just hung out like most people do... We sat on our 'Porch Couch'. Let me explain it is this ratty old couch that my Dad thought would be good to put in the front yard while we clean off the back porch. While it is ugly and an old couch... It makes for good naps and lazy days.

Aj and I love to tease each other... It's not really teasing more like... Making fun of each other and hoping the other person doesn't get too offended. Ok enough blabbering... I'm gonna pass this off to Aj and hope she doesn't get mad at what I wrote... Jk! Ily!


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