Chapter 21

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When they got up to leave, Amaya couldn't help but laugh as she caught Charli's eyes, narrowed and accusatory. She didn't have to say anything, just slowly shaking her head with a wry smile. Amaya pressed a kiss to her cheek and flipped her off with a big grin as Matty took hold of her arm and pulled her away, both of them laughing loudly.

In the backseat of the car, any pretence or restraint flew out the window. The black out windows and the partition Matty had rolled up as he'd buried his head in her neck, meant that they were totally enclosed.

Without prying eyes or the self-control of sobriety, Amaya lay back and Matty fell between her legs, kissing up and down her neck. Amaya's fingers slipped through his hair, slightly scratching at his scalp when he hit a particular spot below her ear that sent some kind of vibrational frequency through her entire body.

She could feel him hardening in his pants and he ground into her. They were both a mess of shallow breathing, low moans and sloppy kisses, hands just grazing beneath clothing, nails scratching lightly in a warm bubble that blocked everything else out.

That bubble was popped when the driver wrapped his knuckles harshly against the partition. They both jumped, realising they were in fact, still in the backseat of a car, with another person just a metre or so away from them, and that they had arrived at Matty's house. The harshness of the drivers knocking also implied that he had been trying to get their attention for a while.

They got out of the car, not even trying hide how rumpled and red in the face they both were. They made their apologies and have the guy a very big tip as a kind of apology for being bad passengers and let the man go home.

Matty's house was weird. The whole thing was concrete so it felt like she was walking through a construction site that she wasn't supposed to be in. Sometimes people's homes answer a question about them, or reveal some kind of inner sanctum ... Matty's only left more question marks swirling around this man she had become so inexplicably infatuated with.

"So you live in a cave!" Amaya teased, leaning against one of his cold concrete walls as he fiddled about with his keys and his dog jumped up at him repeatedly.

He laughed at her remark, looking around like it was the first time he'd seen the place either. "Suppose so!" He said simply, creeping across the room to close the gaping hole between them. "Too weird?" He asked, as he took a hold of her waist to pull her off the wall and close to him again.

Amaya smiled and shook her head, looking around the place again. "Suits you." She said, throwing her arms up around his neck.

He leant in to kiss her again. At first a gentle peck, then firmer, pushing her back against the wall with his body weight, teasing his tongue against her lips until she opened her mouth. He captured the gentle moan that came from her lips and he pressed his crotch into her. Their tongues tangled together in slow, sloppy movements as they melted into each other's bodies again.

They were interrupted by Matty's dog jumping up to get a sniff of the newcomer which made them both freeze and start laughing. Amaya looked down at the animal in disbelief and Matty rested his chin on top of her head for a moment before they each pulled away from one another.

"Well that's one way to kill the mood!" Matty exclaimed, scratching his dog on the head before taking him to bed.

Amaya chuckled as she heard him murmuring a one sided conversation with the animal. She continued to scan around his home, the paintings on the walls, the books and papers strewn across his tables, half drunk cups of tea and coffee.

More question marks.

"Anything catch you eye?" His voice sent a spark through her spine. She turned and he was stood in the doorway, leant to one side with a drunk and slightly lopsided smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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