Chapter 6

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you have 3 missed calls from H😍

you have 2 missed calls from My Maya ❤️

My Maya ❤️
Shit baby I fell asleep

I know you're probably on a plane right now or asleep but please call me when you get this

Forget it

Clearly wasn't important enough for you to pick up the first time

My Maya❤️
Baby I fell asleep

I would have texted to say goodnight but I was a little drunk

I woke up on top of the bed, fully clothed with my makeup still on

I thought you went to LA to work not get fucked up with your friends

My Maya❤️
I did but you know what Charli's like

I didn't get fucked up I just had some drinks with her friends and then I went to bed after I spoke to the kids

I know being apart is hard but you can't seriously be mad at me about this

I'm not mad

It just makes a lot more sense why you insisted on going alone

My Maya❤️
Did we not have this conversation already?

I thought we were over this!


Go nuts!

Do whatever the fuck you want!

Just don't act so fucking innocent

My Maya❤️
I don't understand what I've done wrong

Can we talk on the phone and sort this thing out

I have to go

My Maya❤️
Please just talk to me

The last thing I want to do is hurt you

Harry ????


Being in California basically guaranteed three things: Harry was pissed at her, she was perpetually anxious about the kids, and she had a therapy appointment.

Charli had dropped her off, blowing kisses and promising to be back in an hour to coerce her into a girls night out with Caroline and a bunch of their friends in LA. Amaya wasn't sure it was the best idea given she was currently being iced out by her fiancé over 'partying too hard', but when Charli got an idea into her head it was pretty hard to talk her out of it.

They'd spent the morning at Caroline's studio, and while she didn't necessarily feel as though the creative juices were flowing yet, she couldn't deny a sense of freedom and ease that she felt out here.

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