Meeting Donatello

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Y/n was walking home from his/her/their after school job, he/she/they had to stay late for some reason he/she/they still didn't understand-. While walking down one of the more quiet streets, he/she/they heard a faint thud from the distance. All Y/n could hear after were sharp winces and whimpers of pain. He/She/They followed the noise to a completely empty street... and what did she/he/they find? Well, not what he was/she was/they were expecting. Y/n saw a turtle... a humanoid turtle, wearing a purple bandana and armed with some type of staff. It seemed injured though, so Y/n ran over to help.

: "Are you okay..?" He/She/They knelt down next to the turtle, who was on the ground.

When he/she/they got closer, he/she/they noticed a decent amount of blood dripping from under the turtle's bandana.

⚪: "Oh jeez, you're bleeding from the head-!"

The turtle looked at Y/n for a second before passing out. their breathing remained quiet, slow, and raspy.

Y/n's pov:

I didn't know what to do. I didn't think I would be strong enough to carry or even drag the turtle back to my place, but I had to try! And luckily, when I tried very hard, I was at least strong enough to drag them. By the time I reached the apartment I was exhausted, but the turtle still needed to be taken care of. I used the last bit of my strength to get them onto my couch and then ran to the bathroom *or wherever you keep your medical supplies, I usually have that stuff in my bathroom* to see what I could use to help them. A few minutes later I came back with rubbing alcohol, a face cloth, and bandages for their head injury. Fortunately, when I removed their bandana, the injury wasn't as bad as it seemed. There was a decently sized and deep cut, the blood seemed to make it look worse than it was though. I carefully cleaned their cut with the rubbing alcohol and then bandaged it. I sighed in relief when I finished. After putting everything away, I sat down on the other end of the couch and kept an eye on them while scrolling through my phone.

Donatello's pov:

I woke up with a throbbing headache and no memory of what happened, I opened my eyes slowly and looked at my surroundings. I had no idea where I was, I just knew it wasn't April's place or the lair. When I sat up, I was greeted by a human.

⚪: "Uhm- hi. Are you feeling okay?"

I have to admit, I was startled for a second. But he/she/they didn't seem a threat, so I calmed down.

🟣: "I have the worst headache in the world... but besides that, I think I'm mostly okay."

He/She/They nodded.

⚪: "Let me go get you some water, that might help." And he/she/they got up.

While he/she/they were gone I tried to remember what happened, but it'd hurt for me to think, so I gave up eventually. A minute later, she/he/they were back and handed me a glass of water.

🟣: "Thank you."

⚪: "Don't mention it." He/She/They softly smiled at me.

3rd person pov:

Awkward silence fell over the two as Donnie took their first few sips.

🟣: "How did you find me? And what happened?"

⚪: "Well, I was walking back from my job when I heard a thud. I went to check it out, and I found you. Your head was bleeding and you passed out, so I brought you back here so I could fix you up."

🟣: "Thank you then, for helping me. I appreciate it." They took another sip.

⚪: "It wasn't a problem, really." She/He/They smiled softly at them again. "I'm Y/n by the way."

🟣: "I'm Donatello, but you can call me Donnie if it's easier for you."

⚪: "Nice to meet you, Donnie." He/She/They offered his/her/their hand for Donnie to shake.

🟣: "Likewise." Donnie took it, and that's when the two heard ringing. "If I'm correct, that's my phone." It was theirs, and they answered.

🔴: "Donnie?! Where are you?! You were supposed to be home 20 minutes ago!" A very loud and some-what deep voice was heard on the other line.

🟣: "Raph! Calm down, I'm fine! I'll be home in a few minutes!" And they hung up. "I have to go-"

⚪: "I assumed so- do you think you're going to be able to walk there or do you need help? I don't know how the blood loss affected you."

🟣: "I think I'm going to be alright, thank you though." When they stood, their legs were a bit shaky but they could keep their balance.

⚪: "Alright, if you say so. You okay going out of the window-? One of my neighbors just got home and I don't think they'll react the best to you."

🟣: "Fair point." They walked over to the window and opened it, after getting their staff. "Seeya later- or not- who knows-"

Y/n chuckled softly.

⚪: "Seeya Donnie." He/She/They waved bye as Donnie left

The One in Purple💜 {2018 Donnie x Y/n | Story & Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now