Understanding Emotions

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As the weeks went by, and the weeks turned into months, Donnie and Y/n started getting closer and closer. After around the 2 month mark, Donnie started feeling emotions they weren't familiar with. It was all warm and bubbly. At first they were ignoring it, but it started getting hard to. So eventually, they had to do the one thing they dreaded most... Talking to Dr.Feelings. Aka, their dear sweet brother Michael.

Donnie: *Knocking *

Mikey: "You can come in!"

Mikey was sitting down on their hammock with their feet dangling, just scrolling through tiktok or something.

Donnie: "Hey Michael, I may or may not need your help with something-"

Mikey: "Oh, well I'm happy to be of service! What can Angelo do for you today?"

Mikey jumped down from the hammock. Donnie chuckled at their enthusiasm for a moment, before looking away due to embarrassment.

Donnie: "I need so help with emotions-"

Mikey: "Well, well, well! You can to the right person. What seems to be the problem?"

Donnie: "I don't know what I've been feeling, well, what the emotions called-"

Mikey: "Alrighty then, let's sit down before we get any further."

Mikey led Donnie to their hammock and the two sat down. Then Donnie began explaining what they had been feeling, how it felt all warm and bubbly. How if felt good but like they were gonna be sick at the same time. 

Donnie: "And I always feel it around Y/n- it's weird. And it's not anything new, I've been like this for the past few weeks. Two or three if I had to guess?"

Mikey was surprised, but they knew what emotion it was. Donnie was most definitely in love, even if they couldn't tell.

Mikey: "Well, my prescription... You have a crush on Y/n, and you are down bad."

Donnie blushed hard.

Donnie: "W-What?! Y-You really think so?"

Mikey: "Yes really! I watch too many romance shows and ROM-COMS to not be able to tell someone's in love and we both know it-"

Donnie: "Very true-. But what should I do now? H-How do I explain it to Y/n?"

Mikey: "You shouldn't rush it, first off. You'll know when you're ready to confess. Just go with your gut I'd say."

Donnie nodded

Donnie: "Alright, thanks Mikey. That helped me understand a lot-"

Mikey: "No probbles!"

Donnie waved bye as they walked out, Mikey waved back.


There's no way I'm gonna be able to confess any time soon-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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