Y/n's First Visit (Pt.2)

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Once the two got to Donnie's room, they sat down on Don's bed.

🟣: "Hey Y/n, do you play Splatoon?"

⚪: "Mhm!"

🟣: "Want to play a few rounds then?"

⚪: "Sure!"

And, the two played a few rounds of Splatoon together (Y'all were playing for like- 2 hours-), Donnie ended up winning the most rounds.

⚪: "Aww! No fair-"

🟣: "It's completely fair! I won without any cheats!"

⚪: "I know, I know- I don't get how you're so good at this game though!"

🟣: "I've pulled more than a few all nighters playing this game-"

⚪: "That makes sense then-"

🟣: "Yeah- it wasn't worth it though- I was exhausted for days-"

⚪: "I'd imagine-"

🟣: "Anyway though, moving on from that- I have to get some work done. Are you gonna stick around or-?"

⚪: "Eh, if you're busy and stuff I can go."

Y/n got up from Donnie's bed.

🟣: "Alrighty, see you later then?"

⚪: "Mhm. Seeya Donnie!"

🟣: "Bye"

Donnie waved as Y/n left.

I'm sorry this is so short- I'd add more stuff but Idk how to play Splatoon- this idea was recommended to me- so yeah-

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