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Takes place a week after Y/n's first visit to the lair.


I had such a crappy day. I had a lot of homework, I got scolded by my teacher, I failed a lot of my tests and my parents scolded me as well, and one of my friends ditched me at a cafe we went to...

Like I said, my day sucked. But luckily, it was over now... it just hit midnight and I'm still awake. I didn't know what to do, but... I knew who might be awake... Donnie. I knew they stayed up late, I just hope they'd be free to talk. I decided to give 'em a call.

Ring... ring...

🟣: "You are now conversing with Donatello."

⚪: "Hey Don-"

🟣: "Oh, hey Y/n-. I'm shocked you're awake. Aren't you usually asleep by now?"

⚪: "Yeah, usually... I just can't sleep tonight-"


That did not sound convincing at all, they sounded miserable.

🟣: "You sure that's why?"

⚪: "Mhm..."

I sighed, I'm horrible with emotions and even I could tell Y/n wasn't okay.

🟣: "Alright, spill the beans. What happened?"

⚪: "What do you mean...?"

🟣: "Y/n, you're obviously upset about something. You can tell me, I don't mind listening."


I was a bit surprised Donnie could tell... but I did want to tell them. All I wanted to do at the moment was vent about how stressed I was... and I did. I poured my heart out basically about my day, and overall how my shitty week had been going.

I didn't realize I was at first... but when I did I felt guilty for making Donnie listen to me ramble.

⚪: "I-I'm sorry you had to listen to that Donnie...:"

🟣: "Don't you dare apologize for such an mediocre reason- we all need someone to talk to sometimes, and I was the one who said you could vent."

Donnie sighed, I could tell it was meant to be quiet but I still heard it.

🟣: "Are you okay? Do you want me to come over or something? I can."

I was surprised how quickly they offered to come over.

⚪: "No, it's fine. I'll probably try to get some sleep..."

🟣: "If you say so, just text me if you change your mind though."

⚪: "I will, goodnight for now though."

🟣: "Night."

I hung up and laid down in an attempt to get some sleep.

Will I make a part 2 for this chapter? Yes, I will. 👍

The One in Purple💜 {2018 Donnie x Y/n | Story & Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now