Y/n's Visit (Pt.1)

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Ten minutes later, Y/n was at the alleyway and saw Donnie on their phone waiting for her/him/them.

⚪: "Hey- Dee-"

🟣: "Greetings Y/n" He looked up from his phone.

⚪: "Now what do you mean by 'prepare for a lot of weirdness'- I've already met you so I don't think it can get much weirder."

🟣: "I mostly meant about where I live, It's not where you would ever expect."

While he said that, he started walking into the alleyway and signaled Y/n to follow which he/she/they did.

⚪: "And where would that be?"

🟣: "You'll see."

He kneeled down next to a manhole cover and pushed it out of the way and entered. Y/n stood there in confusion for a second.

🟣: "What? You wanted to see where I live, did you not?"

⚪: "I did- but I really didn't expect you to live in the sewers-"

🟣: "Now you know what I meant. Follow me."

Y/n followed, and after around 10 minutes they reached their destination.

🟣: "Well Y/n," He said while entering a large area that he had described as 'The Lair'

🟣: "Well Y/n," He said while entering a large area that he had described as 'The Lair'

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🟣:  "Welcome to the lair"

⚪: "Holy- this looks amazing!"

🟣: "We did do a pretty good job decorating I have to say."

⚪: "You guys really did-"

🟣: "Thank you. Now let's to my room before we run into someone-"

Donnie took Y/n's hand and dragged her/him/them, which Y/n let happen, to his room.

The One in Purple💜 {2018 Donnie x Y/n | Story & Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now