The Phone Call (Chaotic-)

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The next day, like Y/n said, he/she/they called Donnie.

🟣: "You are now conversing with Donatello."

Y/n chuckled lightly, he/she/they had never heard that for a greeting-

⚪: "Hey Donnie. Nice greeting by the way-"

🟣: "Thank you, I thought of it my-" Donnie was interrupted by a very loud thud. "Oh God-"

⚪: "What was that-?"

🟣: "I don't know-"


⚪: "How did their fall make such a loud thud-?!"

🟣: "My sibling Raphael is a large snapping turtle-"

*Quick thing about my AU before we continue! In my AU, Raph use's she/they pronouns. I just want to make that clear before we continue so I don't cause future confusion-*

: "That does make a bit more sense- but I'm shocked-"

🟣: "That's reasonable, a lot of people would be-"

🤖 (S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N): "Hey Dee! Who ya talkin' to-?"

🟣: "The one time I need peace and quiet-" they muttered under their breath. "None of your business S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N- now can you please leave me at my work?"

🤖: "Finnneee"

⚪: "Who was that-?"

🟣: "His name's S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N- he's one of my inventions-"

⚪: "You made a sentient robot?!"

🟣: "Mhm-"

⚪: "Wow! That's so impressive!"

🟣: "Many thanks, I guess."

⚪: "Of course! Do you think I could come over and see him?! I'm curious about how you programmed him-"

🟣: "Uhm- sure. How about we meet... alleyway on *Insert a random street name*? I can show you how to get to my household from there, you'll have to be prepared for a lot of weirdness though-"

⚪: "Uhm- okay then-? I'll be there in 10-"

🟣: "Alrighty then, see you soon."

And Donnie hung up.

⚪: "Wonder what they mean by that- guess I'll have to wait and see-"

The One in Purple💜 {2018 Donnie x Y/n | Story & Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now