Seeing Each Other Again (Not For a Good Reason-)

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Warning: Swears

It had been a few days since Y/n ran into Donnie, he/she/they were usually wondering about them.

⚪: What are they like? Were there other people like them? How did they even turn into that or was it natural?

Those were the questions Y/n was always asking herself/himself/themselves. In fact, they were so caught up in his/her/their questions he/she/they didn't even notice a van coming up behind her/him/them until it was too late.

Y/n's pov:

Everything had suddenly gone black. One minute I was walking on the sidewalk the next I couldn't see shit- just my luck. I could tell I was awake though, I could still move.Well, I would have been if something hadn't been holding me back. I tried to say something in hope someone would reply, but when I tried to speak my words were muffled.

⚫: "Don't even bother, brat." I didn't recognize the voice, and at this point- it was obvious I had been kidnapped.

Like anyone would do, I started struggling to get out of the ropes or make as much noise as I could in hopes someone would hear me.

⚫: "Will you just shut up?!"

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and then threw me back into the side of the van. It knocked the wind out of me.

Donatello's pov:

Me and my brothers had just been screwing around on one of the rooftops like usual. I was on my phone though, I had just been dragged along by the others and I really just wanted to be in my lab. When I looked up from my phone, I saw a black van driving out of an alleyway and suspicious movement was coming from it. I thought about telling the others, but I knew it'd probably take forever to actually get their attention, so I grabbed my bo-staff and followed the van on the rooftops. 

Eventually the van got to a location I wasn't familiar with, it was some old abandoned building. Two guys walked out, one from the driver's seat and the other one from the back, but the one from the back was pulling something out with him. Turns out, it wasn't something... it was someone being dragged by their hair. It took me a moment, but then I recognized her/him/them, it was Y/n. I jumped down behind the driver and knocked him out with my staff. I was able to do the same to the one who had Y/n. His grip had loosened on Y/n's hair and he/she/they were let go.

3rd Person pov:

🟣: "Are you alright Y/n? Did you get injured?"

Donnie took off Y/n's blindfold and the handkerchief he/she/they had stuffed in his/her/their mouth.

⚪: "I-I'm okay, mostly-" His/Her/Their voice sounded kind of raspy. "I got the wind knocked out of me though-"

🟣: "Well, despite that your breathing seems to be okay fortunately. Can you recognize where we are?"

Y/n sighed.

⚪: "No. I just moved here a few weeks ago, I haven't seen much of the city."

🟣: "Alright. What street do you live on? If you don't mind me knowing. I doubt I won't know how to get there."

And Y/n told Donnie the street name.

🟣: "Noted. Just let me untie you... *Proceeds to do so* there. Now follow me, I know how to get to your street."

They held his/her/their hand out to help Y/n up, he/she/they took it then the two started their walk to Y/n's street. The first few minutes were filled with awkward silence, until Y/n said something.

⚪: "Hey Donnie?"

🟣: "Hm?" They looked over at Y/n.

⚪: "What's with the purple shell? I can tell it's covering you're real one, just curious why."

🟣: "Oh- I'm a soft-shell. The fake one gives me extra protection, and an extra set of hands."

Suddenly, four robotic arms fled from their battle shell and waved at her/him/them.

⚪: "Whoa- that's amazing!"

🟣: "Thank you. It is quite impressive, isn't it?"

⚪: "Definitely! Do you mind if I touch them?"

Donnie hesitated for a moment, but couldn't see the harm in it.

🟣: "Alright, fine. Be careful though."

Y/n began to inspect the robotic arms just trying to find out as much as he/she/they could about them, also asking Donnie a few questions.

Time skip, 10 minutes later

Y/n had just been looking at the robotic arms most of the time, but had also talked to Donnie and got to know a bit about them. The two actually had a lot more in common than they expected to! They both enjoyed video games, both had chaotic families (In their opinions at least), and they were both into technology. Those were the main things. And before the two knew it, they reached Y/n's apartment.

🟣: "Here we are-"

⚪: "Yep-"

🟣: "It was nice to see you again, Y/n. Despite the reason I did-"

⚪: "Agreed-. Also, before you go, could I get your number? Maybe we can talk again sometime?"

🟣: "Uhm, sure-!" They smiled lightly. "Let me see your phone, I'll add myself."

Y/n handed Donnie his/her/their phone and they added themselves as "Genius Turtle 🐢🟪" which made Y/n chuckle.

⚪: "Thanks, a-and thank you for the help earlier! I'd probably be with those guys right now if it wasn't for you."

🟣: "It wasn't a problem, really."

⚪: "Still though- thank you-!"

Y/n hugged Donnie, and as we all know, Donnie wasn't a big fan of physical interaction/touch. When he/she/they realized, he/she/they immediately let go.

⚪: "Sorry-! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"

🟣: "Sigh... it's fine."

⚪: "I'm just going to head inside now- I'll call you tomorrow or something-"

🟣: "Alright then, seeya."

Y/n waved bye as he/she/they entered his/her/their apartment building. And that was the end of today's chaos- and tomorrow would probably be just as chaotic.

The One in Purple💜 {2018 Donnie x Y/n | Story & Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now