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// A/N: The relationship between Mr. Wonka and the reader is strictly platonic. I will not expect to see comments suggesting romance; it's disappointing. //

I couldn't really understand this world. On the one hand, people were happy, whether they were wealthy or not. On the other hand, were left waiting for more. Something that might totally change their lives in an instant.

I was an orphan at Roseville Homes for Kids. Someone found me when I was left there as a baby years ago. I didn't know who my real parents were, so the people at the orphanage have become my new family.

Miss Mitchell, the caretaker, has a kind heart. After the previous director died of an unknown illness, she took over as orphanage director. It gave her a lot of work, but she still looked after us alongside the other adults.

Life in the orphanage was not without its ups and downs. When the younger ones are in trouble, I usually assist them. When I get into mischief, the older kids frown, even though they consider it a childish act.

I've made new friends and memories! They always referred to me as (Y/N) or any nickname they could create on the spot. Sometimes I would daydream in the middle of the day. "What would it be like to live in a big mansion?" I wondered.

Then a young girl, no more than six years old, approached me and said, "(Y/N)! Miss Mitchell wants to talk with you!"

"Sure, I'll be right there, and please don't run too fast!" I joked. Before she skipped to the playroom, the girl made a cheeky face.

I went directly to Miss Mitchell's office. I had to climb a lot of stairs (while passing by small children running around), but I made it.

When I opened the door, her cheerful voice greeted me. "How are you today, my sweet (Y/N)?" she inquired.

"As usual, ma'am! You said you had something to say for me?" I sat down on the cozy sofa.

"Correct! But don't worry, it's not urgent," she said with a smile. "Do you want to hear the good news first?"

"Yes, ma'am!" I exclaimed, with a small salute.

"You'll be getting your birthday gift soon!" she said, holding my hands. "Just like we do every year."

I smiled as big as I could. My birthday was always a big occasion in the orphanage when I was a child. Everyone gathered to eat, play games, and have a good time.

"Thank you as always, ma'am! It's a pleasure getting a Wonka bar again!" I sighed contentedly.

"Unfortunately, the adoption schedule for today has been moved to next week; we'll see if there are families willing to adopt you," she added.

"That's fine; it's no surprise that everything looks lively today." I chuckled. Miss Mitchell silently comforted me by placing her hand on my shoulder.

After a few talks, I left the office to check on the other kids. Surprisingly, a handful of them were waiting for me.

"(Y/N), please tell us a story!" one of the children pleaded.

"How about I tell you after dinner?" I suggested. "But you better promise to go to sleep by bedtime." They all nodded their heads and went back to their usual activities.


Then, by 7:30 p.m., we usually gather. I was one of the older assistants dishing out the servings at dinner time.

We said our prayers and ate as much as we could after we had settled down. I was always grateful to the cooks for their chicken soup. On a frigid night like tonight, it feels warm.

life would be sweeter / charlie and the chocolate factory ✔️Where stories live. Discover now