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The next day, there was news that spread like wildfire. Every post had the same announcement, which gathered everyone in town to see it.

I was in my room, getting ready for the day. I needed to get something, so I wore a brown sweater and pants, along with a coat and scarf. Getting my small boots on the doorway, I rushed downstairs to the entrance.

I'm typically not allowed to go on my own, but with permission from Miss Mitchell, I went outside of the orphanage to check the announcement.

Thank goodness it's not snowing hard. Otherwise, I would find myself buried in snow. I walked down the stairs carefully and started to walk ahead.

"Good morning, Mr. Bark! Good morning, Mrs. Bark!" I greeted a couple walking by.

"Good morning, (Y/N)!" they greeted back. I started to run until I saw a group of people looking at a post. Excusing myself to see it, I read the announcement silently.

"I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. These lucky five will be shown around personally by me and will learn all the secrets and magic of my factory," the first paragraph reads.

"Five golden tickets have been hidden underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars. These five candy bars may be anywhere in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world," the second paragraph reads.

"In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize beyond anything you could ever imagine. Good luck to all and happy hunting!" The last paragraph reads, along with a signature from the man himself.

Then, I felt something that ignited me. It's like the spark of hope combined with the spirit of determination. The opportunity to see Willy Wonka's factory was one of a kind, and getting one of those elusive golden tickets gave me inspiration.

This could be my only chance to meet him, let alone the factory itself! The people started to rush to the candy stores, and I rushed back to the orphanage.


"Have you heard the news? Willy Wonka is giving away golden tickets to visit his factory!"

"Yes, I've heard. It's quite the commotion outside."

"Mommy, can we buy some Wonka bars, please?"

I could hear people talking about the announcement from left to right. I entered the orphanage and changed into another set of casual clothes.

"I have an announcement for everyone! Please come to the function area and sit down," Miss Mitchell called out.

This function area is a place where we gather around to celebrate events, birthdays, or even adoption days. I wonder what's going on today. The whole place is packed! I decided to sit down with one of my other friends in the crowd.

"Today, there was an announcement that Willy Wonka is inviting five children to the factory. Anyone has a chance to find the ticket, so spend your money wisely and be sure to only get what you need," she spoke out.

She also added, "Next, (Y/N)'s birthday is coming soon in one week! So, prepare a special presentation, whether it's small or large; it will be wonderful!"

All of the children were cheering and shouting my name. I, on the other hand, began to fluster from all of this attention.

As we all left the function area after the morning announcements, Robert told me to come up to his room. Following him behind, we went through the crowd and reached his room.

I started the conversation as I sat on his bed. "Why are you so keen on getting my attention, Rob? It feels like something is going on with you."

"Wouldn't it be something, (Y/N), to open a bar of candy and find a golden ticket inside?" He gave me a stare.

"I know, but I only get one bar a year for my birthday." I sighed.

"Well, it's your birthday next week. It's a great opportunity to get a golden ticket," he said.

"You have as much of a chance as anybody else! Why don't you try, Robert?" I asked.

"Oh, please, the other kids who are going to find the golden tickets are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day," he mumbled. He then added, "You get only one a year. Everyone has a chance."

I thought about it for a while as I stared through the window. It faced the houses and the factory from a good distance away.

"If they create a world of pure imagination, life would be sweeter," I told him.

"And how do you explain that?" Robert crossed his arms and smirked.

"I might see the factory in all of its glory for the first time," I said, giving him my genuine smile.

Then, Robert said something out of the blue. "You wanna bet? Mark my words, the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat, fat, fat."


And Robert was correct all along. The following day, a German boy named Augustus Gloop discovered the golden ticket.

I heard about it while I was watching TV with a few children until the reporter announced the first golden ticket winner. Everyone practically gathered around to see him.

"Augustus. This way," a person from the TV said. The cameras were all clicking from side to side. You can tell how disgusted I am, with his face smothered with chocolate smears.

"I am eating the Wonka bar and I taste something that is not chocolate or coconut or walnut or peanut butter or nougat or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles. So I look and...I find the golden ticket!" he explained.

"Augustus, how did you celebrate?" a reporter asked.

"I eat more candy," he cheerfully replied as he grabbed the same chocolate bar, opened it, and ate it immediately.

"We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket. He eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him not to find one!" his mother said.

Then, she held her son's hand proudly with the golden ticket. The scene changed back to the reporter still talking about the golden ticket hunt.

"(Y/N), why does that kid look fat?" Maria asked.

"Because he eats too much candy, which is bad for your health, okay?" I looked at each child in the room. They all nodded.

"What a repulsive boy. Only four golden tickets left," I thought to myself.

Now that he has found one, things will really get crazy.

life would be sweeter / charlie and the chocolate factory ✔️Where stories live. Discover now