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This was the day I would finally visit the famous Wonka factory! All the golden ticket winners were gathered in front of the factory gates, with cameras clicking away in a flurry of excitement.

I was dressed in a knee-length dress adorned with laces and comfortable flat shoes, and I couldn't help but appreciate how well it suited me. It was the same style that Miss Mitchell was wearing: a simple dress in a lovely shade of yellow. We also both sported matching scarves.

Thankfully, we had worn warm coats to ward off the chill. I noticed a few strands of my (h/c) hair getting in my face, so I brushed them to the side.

"Remember to be well-behaved, (Y/N). We wouldn't want to make a bad first impression on Mr. Wonka," Miss Mitchell advised me. I nodded in agreement, trying to keep my focus on the factory before us.

"Daddy, I want to go in!" Veruca told her father.

He checked his watch and replied, "It's 9:59, sweetheart."

"Make time go faster!" she demanded, her eyes giving off a glare.

Mrs. Beauregarde whispered something to her daughter. "Eyes on the prize, Violet. Eyes on the prize," she warned, and Violet nodded in response.

Mike wore an impatient expression, his boredom apparent as he waited for the gates to open. Then, the massive factory gates began to creak open. Excitement filled the air as all of us eagerly anticipated the next set of instructions that awaited us inside.

"Please enter!" Mr. Wonka's voice echoed through a speaker. The four winners wasted no time and rushed through the gates. Me and Miss Mitchell glanced at each other, then we followed the rest.

"Come forward," he added. We went closer to the entrance.

"Close the gates." Then, the gates creaked and closed loudly.

As we made our way up to the entrance, Mr. Wonka's voice came through the speaker, warmly welcoming us. "Dear visitors, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory. And who am I? Well..."

At that point, the red curtains parted dramatically, revealing a slew of singing puppets twirling around in a cheerful yet eerie manner. I could not help but watch them in a state of shock and horror, a feeling shared by the rest of the winners.

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
The amazing chocolatier
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka.
Everybody give a cheer!


He's modest, clever and so smart.
He can barely restrain it.
With so much generosity,
There is no way to contain it!

To contain it, to contain, to contain, to contain!


Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
He's the one that you're about to meet
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka
He's the genius who just can't be beat

The magician and the chocolate wiz.
The best darn guy who ever lived
Willy Wonka, here he is!

As a red chair rose from the ground, the stage erupted in pyrotechnics that melted the puppet performers. The unexpected turn of events stunned everyone. I had a feeling that the unsettling song would haunt my dreams for weeks, perhaps even months.

Then we heard someone clapping and laughing with delight. He was standing next to Mr. Salt, wearing the iconic hat, purple gloves, and red coat. Not to mention his large glasses.

"Wasn't that just magnificent? I was worried it was getting dodgy in the middle part, but then that finale...wow!" the man exclaimed. He then stepped forward to face our group.

life would be sweeter / charlie and the chocolate factory ✔️Where stories live. Discover now