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Willy excitedly got out from the boat, held the door open, and everyone went inside the Inventing Room.

Meanwhile, I felt a slight soreness in my legs from sitting for an extended period on the boat. They weren't aching too much, but I needed to take it slowly.

"Miss Mitchell, let's walk at our own pace. My legs are a bit sore after that boat ride," I groaned.

She responded, "Just hold my hand. I believe we're not finished with the tour yet." I nodded and followed the others, hand in hand with Miss Mitchell.

As I entered the Inventing Room, I noticed Willy casting a glance of pity in my direction. I managed a weak smile in response before taking in the incredible sights around me.

The room was a flurry of activity, filled with lots of devices and machinery, all working together to produce something completely new. I'd never seen such a diverse range of inventions before, making the experience much more memorable.

Steam hissed from the machines, and various contraptions clinked and whirred with purpose. Notably, there was even a collection of new foods available for testing!

We all came to a stop to marvel at the inventions, and Willy addressed us with enthusiasm in a loud voice.

"Now, this is the most important room in the entire factory. Now, everyone, enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything. Okay? Go on. Go on, scoot!" He gestured to everyone to go ahead, leaving me and Miss Mitchell alone again.

Miss Mitchell asked, "Do you think you can stand a bit further?"

I nodded in agreement, even though my legs still ached. Willy, who had observed my discomfort, approached us.

"Come over here for a moment. I'll show you something," he said, motioning us toward a nearby machine. We exchanged glances and followed him. Willy pressed a button, and the machine made noises until a small piece of candy emerged. I inquired, "What's that?"

Willy explained, "Well, I haven't thought of a name yet since it's brand-new, but it gives people energy to last for a day and helps avoid soreness."

I followed up with another question, "Is this the only candy that gives energy?"

Willy replied, "Well, it depends on what you really think about candy. Don't worry, I tested this on my Oompa-Loompa food testers, and they turned out fine. You can trust me." He smiled reassuringly.

Taking a small bite of the colorful candy, I chewed on it for a moment, and suddenly, I felt the soreness in my legs vanish in a wink of an eye!

"It works! Thank you, Willy!" I beamed with gratitude.

"You're welcome. Now, finish that candy if you want to keep up with the others," Willy said, briefly glancing at Miss Mitchell, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. She simply smiled, and we continued to walk back to the group.

Meanwhile, Mike and Violet hurried over to a nearby machine with circular windows, from which a liquid was burbling and medium-sized circle-shaped candies were in the water.

"Hey, Mr. Wonka, what's this?" Violet called out.

"Oh! Let me show you!" Willy approached the machine and an Oompa-Loompa handed him one of the circle-shaped candies. "Thank you!" he acknowledged before turning to answer Violet's question.

"These are Everlasting Gobstoppers. They're for children who receive very little allowance money. You can suck on one all year, and it'll never get any smaller. Isn't that neat?" Willy explained.

"It's like gum," Violet remarked, drawing a comparison.

"No," Willy countered. "Gum is for chewing. If you tried chewing one of these Gobstoppers, you'd break all your little teeth off. But they sure do taste terrific."

life would be sweeter / charlie and the chocolate factory ✔️Where stories live. Discover now