43 - big mistake

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"It's nice to see you all together again

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"It's nice to see you all together again." With a slight smile on her lips, Queen Alicent addressed these words to her four children, her father and daughter-in-law, who were seated around the table.

"Thank you, for your kind invitation." Princess Edith replied, also with a smile.

It was the day after the many preparations and the family had met for lunch together at the request of the Queen. Alicent wanted to see her family at one table before the coronation, because she was also very afraid of the day.

It was as if she had been waiting for this day all her life and yet she felt unprepared and pushed to do something - pushed away. Alicent would then no longer be queen, but only the mother of the new king and queen. Her father Otto Hightower, on the other hand, would remain the hand of the king.

Aegon kept his head down, for he dared not look into the eyes of his family. It could be the last time he heard his mother's voice or watched the banter between his two younger brothers.

But it could also be the last time he sat next to Helaena and he could never again put his hand on her leg when she was nervous. Aegon might not have been a good husband to her, but he had cared for her all his life. Who would take care of her when he couldn't anymore? Who would reach out to her and tell her that everything was going to be okay?

In fact, it had cost him a lot to let Helaena in on the plan as well. Aemond did not want more people to know about it, but Aegon did not want Helaena to suffer from his supposed death.

Finally he was allowed to tell her, but the young woman did not seem surprised. Helaena seemed as if she had already seen it - probably in one of her daydreams.

Aegon would have liked to hear her opinion, but she had not given it to him and had accepted the decision of her brothers and her close friend.

Then he had said goodbye to his children, with whom, unfortunately, he had never been able to form a real connection, something he now regretted. The children were not at the dinner today at Helaena's request, she didn't want them to witness it.

And then there was Edith, with her beautiful face, brownish hair, and the most attractive and infectious laugh in all of Westeros. Aegon wanted so much to hear her laugh one last time and kiss her.

Alicent's desire to have lunch together played perfectly into the blue's cards, because that way everyone would be present when they went through with their plan. And fortunately, there were no servants present.

It was in the middle of eating when Edith then suddenly got up and went to a nearby table to take another drink. Her hands trembled as she poured water into her cup, whereupon she spilled some.

Just at that moment Aegon had dared to lift his head and had watched her. Then he looked at Aemond, who was sitting opposite him, and noticed that he was already looking at him.

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