|° CHAPTER 54°|✔️

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The haunted silence, the markers, the monuments, and the tombstone creating a serene and reflective atmosphere.
Dried trees and dead flowers failing to provide a touch of natural calmness amidst these laid the the deceased to rest.

Getting up from his knees Arjun pushed away the dead dried flowers from the tombstone and replaced them with fresh flowers.

He stood in silence staring at the tombstone, blank and emotionless. The blackness and coldness returned to his heart, blood running cold.

He clenched his teeth so hard that a muscle trickled in his jaw.

The black shirt and black pants he wore replicated his extract feeling of the moment, looking at the tombstone for one last time he stormed out of the graveyard and started his bike.

It was his grandmother! His only favourite period in the world! Someone he loved so dearly and hated the fact he lost her.
And years ago today was the day he lost her! This day through the years the boys had learned it was best to leave him alone.

Rash driving /overspeed was not something new to him but today he felt the wind that caressed his hair was much more powerful, like something special, something beautiful wanted him to calm down and smile.

Reaching his flats, Arjun opened his house door.

"Boo" Keerthana screamed to which Arjun did not even flinch

"Aye! React something nah! So unafraid  you are!" She said disappointed with a pout as she moved aside to let him in.

"What are you doing here?"Arjun asked as he removed his shoes

"That was rude! Welcome me at least"

"How did you manage to get in? Did you squeeze in from the keyhole? He asked

Keerthana looked at herself then at the door and tried to imagine her squeaking in and shaking her  head to avoid such thoughts

"You did not answer me yet Keerthana!"Arjun asked as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

Keerthana looked at Arjun weirdly! Not cause he was acting rude he had been rude to her it was not new but he called her Keerthana!

Her name from his mouth always felt like the entire world had been pronouncing her name wrong all the while! But now his voice was empty it had no life, no sparks or butterflies.

"You once told me the key will always lay under the door mat" Keerthana sat this time her voice went 3 times lower .

Arjun hummed!

"You're joining for the Goa trip?!" Keerthana asked, she wanted to talk, pull that sad shit she see beneath his brown orbs.


"Why? Join us please" Kiki said as she sat on the kitchen counter

"I thought you did not want to join and here you're forcing me to join?!" Arjun asked as he did the dishes in the sink

Although Keerthana's visit was unexpected, Deep down he felt happy that she was here, he was happy that he knew she would occupy his mind in no time.

"No Arjun! Everyone will leave and I don't wanna be here alone" Keerthana said

"And in the trip, I am sure Aravind is going be behind Aditi, Dev and his shameless flirting with Riya and now Vikram and Aishwarya! Ahhhh please save me from third wheeling " Keerthana pleaded.

She never wanted to join the trip! Being alone was not at all her problem but imagine being alone in Goa with Arjun by her side where she knew she could always sneak a passionate kiss any time.

Arjun nodded his head! He wanted a break from his thoughts and Goa along with his friends and Keerthana was something all he needed.

Keerthana wrapped his hands around his torso and looked at him.

"Are you okay Arjun?" She whispered, Arjun leaned in placing his forehead on hers, his left hand cupped her cheeks and his thumb slowly, softly rubbed her cheeks and his right hand carefully caressed her collarbone.

"Jun?!"Keerthana whispered this time being very very careful

Arjun let her go and ran his hands slowly through his hair He saw how Keerthana was still staring at him with hope.

"You don't have to know Keerthana!" He said and Kiki looked at him with wide eyes and jumped down the counter

"Why is that so?" She asked

"Cause you're not my friend nor my girlfriend!"Arjun said brutally just so Keerthana would leave before he did something or said something that he was going to regret and he watched Keerthana's face go red in angry

"What the fuck is wrong with you? This is what you and I wanted Arjun! Something which does not involve feelings" Keerthana yelled and Arjun continued pulling out a Maggie packet from his cabinet and started cooking.

Keerthana kicked the floor in anger as she marched outside his flats.

She went to the college campus where she knew Riya, Sameer and Dev were doing their practice.

She sat there and watched them do their job, all the while her insides were burning.

What the hell did he mean? Why was he so rude? Where did he go when she was home? Keerthana knew for sure he was not in the college cause she visited his house only cause he did not attend the college.

"Hey Kiki!" Ashok called and she looked up at him as he sat beside her, Kiki moved away and sat in the distance.

She was not really in the mood to deal with his guy right now!

Just when Ashok was about to talk, kiki's phone rang and it was Arjun.

Here, Arjun sat ruffling his messed-up hair, what the hell did he just do? What did he just push her away when all he needed was her?!

Kiki immediately switched her phone off in anger as she was still raging in anger.

"Oh! Arjun VishwaKumar! This guy and his tragic story! I thought he would never recover " Ashok said looking at her phone name

"What are you blabbering?" Keerthana asked

Arjun and tragic?

"I don't know the entire story but I heard this here and there in the college since he and I were classmates" Ashok said

Keerthana pushed her thoughts away! It was just just a rumour! Just rumours! Just rumours.

Arjun does not hurt! He hurts others! That's how she knew him! That's how it should have been.

"You know what? Bye" Kiki said as she grabbed her bag and rushed to the library and spotted Aditi and Aravind and walked towards them.

Maybe third-wheeling was the only thing that could save her from his thoughts.




Instagram id: author_rithika

Kiki the entire chap:

Kiki the entire chap:

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