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Willa felt her eyes lose their moisture as she continued to stare at positive pregnancy test on the counter

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Willa felt her eyes lose their moisture as she continued to stare at positive pregnancy test on the counter. Disbelief swarmed her mind as she counted back the weeks the test was predicting how far along she was.

8-9 weeks.

Although she didn't have to guess who the father was.

It was at the wrap party for Thor : The Dark World. Willa was one of the producers and Tom played Loki. They had been flirting relentlessly with each other for the entire duration of filming.

Always on the edge but never crossing the line.

Until five tequila shots later they were stumbling through Tom's room and shedding their clothes.

Willa still thought about that night. Usually in bed. She remembered the feeling of Tom's rough calloused hands. The way he said her name as if saying a prayer.

She remembered the feel of him caressing her body as he trailed kisses down her stomach. He worshiped her body.

Afterwards, Tom pulled her body into his and they drifted off to sleep.

But when Willa woke the next morning, with the sun shining through the curtains, the empty spot next to her left a dull ache in her chest.

She hadn't heard from Tom since that night. She knew she wouldn't hear from him but it didn't stop the hurt she felt.

The sound of her phone ringing roused her from the clusterfuck that was her mind. The screen flashed with her friend Brooke's smiling face.

Willa groaned as she accepted the call. She knew Brooke would call back instantly if she let the call go to voicemail.

Before Willa could say hello, Brooke was questioning her.

"Did you take the test? What did it say?" Excitement bubbled from Brooke's voice "oh my gosh, am I about to be an auntie?!"

Willa rolled her eyes but smiled softly.

Tears welled in her eyes as she told Brooke the results.

"Yeah." Her voice cracked. "I'm pregnant."

Brooke's burst of excitement filled the phone so loud that Willa had to pull the phone away from her ear.

After the brief excitement Brooke sobered, "Are you going to tell him?"

Willa sighed and nibbled her bottom lip as she stared once again at the positive pregnancy test.

"I'm not sure." She absentmindedly rubbed her still flat stomach. "We haven't talked since that night."

"Look." Brooke said with her authoritative voice. "He needs to know. And whether he chooses to be apart of this baby's life is on him. But he needs to have that choice. Just like you have the choice of keeping it or not."

Willa nodded her head even though Brooke couldn't see her. Not keeping the baby wasn't an option for her. She wanted this. Even if she had to do it alone, she wanted this baby.

How was it possible to love something so much already?

After talking with Brooke for a while longer Willa hung up and decided to call Tom.

Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she pressed the call button. Pacing the bathroom as the phone rang, Willa thought of how she would tell Tom the news. Part of her wanted to tell him in person but the other part felt it would be better to tell him over the phone. But she wanted to see his face as she told him.

The phone continued to ring before switching to voicemail.

Willa sighed before leaving a brief message to Tom asking him to call her back.

Afterwards, Willa called her OBGYN to make an appointment to confirm the pregnancy.

Later that night she laid in bed with one hand resting on her stomach. She couldn't believe that she was having a baby. All that she could hope for was that Tom would want to be a part of their child's life.
Willa once again was pacing the living room as she tried again to call Tom. It had been three weeks since she found out about the baby and just two weeks since her doctor confirmed it.

Tom hadn't called her back during the three weeks and she was starting to worry. Finally she chose to text him. She hated that it resorted to this but she needed to get a hold of him.

Willa: Hey Tom, not sure if you've been getting my voicemails but I'm trying to get in touch with you. I need to tell you something.

She hated that this is what had come to but she wouldn't rest easily until he knew. After what seemed like an eternity her phone buzzed. Quickly reaching for it, her heart sank as she read the message.

Tom: If I wanted to talk I would have called you back.

Willa: Umm...okay. But I need to talk to you because it's important. Can we meet please?

Tom: Just tell me now.

Frustrated Willa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. If he didn't want to meet her then fine. She'd have to tell him over text.

Willa: I'm pregnant. And it's yours.

Tom: Alright.

Willa stared at the screen. That's all he had to fucking say? She debated whether or not to respond but clearly Tom wasn't interested in being in the baby's life.

She shut her phone off and curled up on the couch. Tears stared falling as she put a protective had over her belly.

"Well, little bean. I guess it's just going to be me and you." She whispered.

She didn't need Tom or anyone else's help for that matter. She could do this all on her own.

And she would.

Potential full story?
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