Come back to me

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Tom sat in the hospital chair as his gaze stayed locked on the sleeping woman in the bed

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Tom sat in the hospital chair as his gaze stayed locked on the sleeping woman in the bed. She looked peaceful despite the tube protruding from her mouth and the white cast that covered her right leg.

Reaching forward he grasped her left hand. The hand that held the engagement ring he put on her finger just last week.

One week ago he was proposing to the love of his life. And now she was in a coma.

Tears streamed down his face as he recounted the moment he knelt down on one knee.


Tom and Ivy strolled hand in hand in their favorite park. They had just finished a wonderful meal at their favorite restaurant, where they had their first date.

Ivy had a feeling that Tom was up to something. All night was a recreation of their first day. From the bouquet of dandelions to the stroll in the park while eating cannolis. All that was missing was the rain. But since it hadn't rained until the end of their first date, there was still a chance it would rain. And that would make this date an exact replica.

As Tom and Ivy continued to stroll through the park they came across a violinist. It wasn't uncommon to come across musicians in the park. Tom and Ivy both stopped to listen and the violinist performed. It was hauntingly beautiful. Tom turned Ivy around so he could wrap her in his arms then they began to sway to the music. Ivy's heart fluttered as Tom stared at her with admiration and love.

Tom took in the pink blush of Ivy's cheeks as they swayed. The velvet box in his jacket pocket sat heavy all night. He wasn't scared that Ivy would say no, he was just anxious to finally ask her to be his wife. He knew from the moment they met that he wanted to marry her. Now he was done waiting.

Once the song ended Ivy pulled away and clapped for the violinist. Then she took her wallet out prepared to put money in the case but stopped when she saw two more violinists and a cellist walk their way.

A quartet.

Ivy's forehead furrowed as she watched them huddle together. Then they began playing her favorite song.

Dreaming of you.

Ivy gasped as she brought her trembling fingers to her lips.

She turned to find Tom on one knee holding the most breathtaking diamond ring out for her.

"Ivy." Tom's voice came out in a husk. "From the moment I met you in that crowded room I knew you were mine and I was yours. I have loved you for three years, two months, and eleven days. You have been my guiding light during my darkest days and my biggest supporter during my happiest days. You are the one I lean on when I don't feel strong enough. Your undying support and belief in me has kept me going when I felt like giving up. You've done so much for me and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how thankful I am to have you in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life giving you all that I have. Will you marry me?"

Ivy's sob broke  through her hand covering her mouth as she nodded her head yes.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, "Yes. A thousand times yes."

Before Tom could stand Ivy flung herself towards him. Laughing she wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." He kept whispering in her ear.

Finally, Tom pulled back and placed the diamond ring on her finger. A perfect fit.

Ivy smiled down at the ring before locking eyes with Tom. So much love emitted from them both.

She cupped his face and kissed him.

They kissed until the music stopped and they heard clapping.

Ivy turned her head to see the quartet smiling and clapping for them. She blushed as she dipped her chin

Tom smiled as he waved and thanked the musicians.

Then they began their walk back to the car.

"I had a feeling you were up to something". Ivy smirked at Tom.

He laughed on an exhale. "I was hoping you would."

Ivy glanced up toward the dark sky. "If only it started raining then it could have matched our first date."

Tom laughed, "It's still early, my love."

They waited at the crosswalk waiting for their turn to cross the street. Ivy couldn't wait till they got home so they could properly celebrate.

She raised on her toes and whispered all the things she wanted them to do when they got him. Tom groaned as his cocked swelled behind his zipper.  She giggled and nipped at his ear.

Once the light for them to walk turned green Tom began dragging her so they could hurry home. Ivy laughed as she tried to keep up.

What they did not account for was the car that  blew through the red light.

What Tom didn't plan for this night was reacting too late and the sound of screeching tires and a blood curdling scream as Ivy was flung through the air.

~End Flashback ~

Tom hadn't left Ivy's side once since the accident. His parents came by daily as well as Ivy's parents.

The guilt ate away at him as the days dragged by. He should have waited before crossing the street. He should have looked both ways. He should have been standing next to her instead of dragging her behind. It would be him in the coma. Anyone but Ivy.

"Wake up, my love." Tom whispered.

He brought her knuckles up to his mouth and pressed a kiss to her ring finger.

"Our story isn't finished yet."

Ivy laid motionless. The only sounds came from the machines she was hooked up to.

"Come back to me." Tom pleaded.

Tom had fallen asleep on top of her hand that he was holding. And when he woke up, it was to the golden brown eyes that always made his heart skip a beat.

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