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It was indeed hot day in dragonstone, so hot that probably even dragons wished for winter. Still you could saw king viserys , who was making his way toward  small Council meeting "Prince daemon wish to see you, your majesty "  said his bodyguard

" I will deal with him after meeting "  with no more word king entered meeting room.

" your majesty "  said otto as he bowed for king  while others joined after second. King took his place on top of table, kings marbel was replaced in from of him.  Marbeles usually is used When the Small Council convenes, each member places their own ball in a little dish on the council table to signal that they're ready to discuss business. When the council is not in session or someone is absent, the marbles all rest on a bigger dish in the center of the table. " I do believe it's time to talk about danger that gets closer and closer every day, If we continue to ignore existence of this so called laenaelors kingdom..."

"And what you want me to do? Get up and start war with people we don't know anything about? with people that didn't do us any wrong?" you could tell viserys was annoyed about  what otto said

" I agree with king, we do not know who they are and what power do they hold" said Lord Corlys Velaryon of Driftmark " it's will be better if we try and see what kind of power they hold at first and We will form an alliance with them if that what's better for us "

"Prince daemon was seen  with his dragon before leaving kingdom... some said that he visited laenaelors kingdom" everyone knowed ottos hate toward daemon, even king himself.

"Are you accusing my brother, heir of Iron throne to be traitor?"

"No your majesty..."

"Then meeting is over, I will think about what lord corlys said. " king do believed that daemon could never betray him , even though he knowed how greedy daemon was, He also do know that daemon loved him as much he loved his little brother.

Laenaelors castle

After returning home, king Rhaegar was overjoyed by news of maelys. He thanked all the gods and decided to give away food and clothes.  He even invited lords from all over the kingdom to celebrate this lovely news with them.

Room was full of people of different houses , people that haven't even had seen maelys in their lives, but still they used this opportunity to get close with king and perhaps gain more power somehow.

" to the princess! " said one of the lord as he drink glass full of wine

" to the princess!" Joined other lords. Fake smile was all you could see on maelys face, she didn't had any idea who these people were and all in honest she didn't cared about any of them.

She did noticed  lord of house agatheon, somehow couldn't see lady Elaenyra agatheon. Woman that fancies her in a way no one had. Maelys may not be in love with elaenyra but she did cared for her.

"My king..."  when maelys looked where voice came from she saw old man. he wasn't tall or short, light brown eyes and dark brown hair with little gray hair in it. " I wish to have word with you, my king"

"I'm all ears lord viron" man  kindly smiled and sat beside tyraxes while facing king , who was sitting on the head of the table, on her right was Maekar with aelora. Other side was occupied by queen and her second son tyraxes. Maelys was sitting in front of king, on her right was her mother Naerys and left shaera. " what's the matter lord " asked king as he sipped his wine and giving all his attention to old man.

"My king If I remember correctly princess maelys still  to choosed wife, My house would be happy to give hand of my little daughter Eraera to princess " king didn't said anything as he looked at maelys firstly and then give his attention back to lord, who took it as kings way of telling that he could continue talking " I do believe Era would be great match for princess, she will be submissive wife and give many heirs  to princess "  Maelys hated nothing more than how man treated woman in this world.

"House Calaenor is indeed great match lord, but I do believe my daughter should be one who decides that "

"Of course my king." Bowed lord as a way to ask permission from king to leave which he was granted.  While whole room was full of people who were laughing  , no one dared to speak at kings table, all of them were way to lost in their own thoughts.

" I would agree if I was you maelys"  said queen out of nowhere  which shocked everyone at table , it was rare for queen to speak with maelys.

" may I ask why? " putting down her glass maelys give annoying look to queen

" Calaenors are known for giving their child castle, I'm sure Eraera have one as well" queen answered with smirk. Maelys may know that she was valarr's child by law which made her true heir of his house, but he also knowed that valarr hated her more than anything, just like queen did.

"About that... I decided to give castle of ragnarok to maelys" now everyones attention were at  Prince maekar, his statement made everyone surprised, even maelys herself." I decided to give it to her as a gift"


"My king " said daemon as he bowed before his brother, king viserys

" daemon..." now looking each other face to face viserys continued talking " I heard that you travelled overseas"

" looks like rumors going around really fast..." looking around room which was viserys, daemon turned his head toward his brother " I did indeed visited overseas"

" is there anything you want to tell me " viserys was dying to know what was so interesting about overseas that got everyone interesting or scared ,even daemon himself.

" I heard lots of rumors that laenaelors were just like us..."

" rumors are rumors" viserys reasoned

" not when if their is something that doesn't feels like it"

"What's are you trying to say" viserys was furious

" when I first heard about laenaelors and all the rumors about them, I don't give it any thought. Not till I heard about history of laenaelors from old valyria"

" what? " viserys couldn't connect anything what daemon was trying to say

"Targaryens and velaryons are not only family who survived valyria" walking toward his brother to face him again " laenaelors are as well "

" if what you are trying to say is true that means that they also have..."

"Dragons" rising his brows toward king " oh they do for sure. I meet a man or rather king of laenaelors kingdom Rhaegar"


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